The international organization MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), a non-profit organization that aims to ensure the sustainability of the oceans and ensure that they are truly “the great pantry” of humanity in the future, is responsible for this product. MSC is a third-party certification for sustainable seafood that assesses population health, impact on marine environment and management of fisheries around the world. MSC’s blue-fish label is intended to help eaters identify sustainable seafood. It indicates to the consumer that its catch has been obtained through a technique that respects the environment, conservation and biodiversity.
This website is available in 18 different languages. MSC has certified 300 fisheries and 25,000 products from around the world. Evidence regarding the quality of their standards is included on the website. Their website offers information on the certification process as well as recipes, food guides, educational materials and support for supply chain actors about sustainable seafood in 18 languages. Information about specific fisheries is not available.
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