NDA SFS Positions

Several nutrition and dietetics associations are recognising the relevance of Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) and/or sustainable diets to nutrition and dietetics practice. We have collected a few here and hope to add to the list with your assistance.

Please share additional papers so we can share them further.

Position Brief on Healthy and Sustainable Diets (DA, 2022 Mar)
Position Statement on Healthy and Sustainable Diets (DA, 2022 Mar)
Food Systems and Environmental Sustainability Role Statement (DA, 2021)
The Role of Dietitians in Sustainable Food Systems and Sustainable Diets (DC, 2020)
Cultivating SFS: A framework for action (AND, 2022)
SFS Standards of Professional Practice for RDs (AND, 2020)
Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Nutrition Security in Developing Nations: Sustainable Food, Water, and Health (2013)
Position Statement: Sustainable Dietary Patterns (EFAD, 2021)
Farm to Fork strategy for a fair, healthy, and environmentally-friendly food system (EU, 2020)
– German Nutrition Society (DGE): DGE position statement on a more sustainable diet (2021)
Position statement: The role of dietitians in food sustainability (ANDID, 2010)
Policy Statement Environmentally Sustainable Diets

The photo in the page header is from:
Alan Warner, Edith Callaghan & Cate de Vreede (2013) Promoting sustainable food and food citizenship through an adult education leisure experience, Leisure/Loisir, 37:4, 337-360, DOI: 10.1080/14927713.2014.906176

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