Hot Topic Resource Clusters

The SFS Hot Topic Resource Clusters pull together resources on popular topics from various sections of the ICDA SFS Toolkit such as 🏢 Organizations, projects and collaborations, 🧰 Tools, 🕵️‍♀️ Research, 👩🏽‍💻 Podcasts-Webinars-Workshops, and 🌐 Case studies. The aim is to have an at-a-glance overview from around the world that could be useful to Dietitians and Nutritionists in their many roles. We always welcome your feedback and ideas on anything in the toolkit.

This Toolkit is made to be used & shared - feel free!
Please cite the authors of the resources (and the ICDA SFS Toolkit if you can).

Feedback? Questions? Ideas? Contact the ICDA SFS Coordinator: