Here we have selected a library of resources relevant for different nutrition professionals. This portion of the toolkit is mostly of reports, articles, and websites that often have multiple resources valuable to Dietitians and Nutritionists (D-Ns) (documents, webinars, podcasts, workshops, courses, tools, etc.).
This section has 2 subsections:
1 – Hot Topic Resource Clusters – look at the side bar for the orange ovals. We’ve clustered all the resources in the toolkit around a hot topic and summarised the situation in a few brief bullet points. We’ve done the searching and summarising for you and will keep updating them. We welcome your input.
2 – Emerging Research Summaries – These provide a quick summary of all the key points for peer-reviewed evidence and access for dietitians around the world.
Contact the if you have resources to suggest adding to the toolkit.
Here are some helpful hints for searching the database:
- Resources are tagged 🏷️ so you can search for a smaller list of relevant resources. Tags include: Geographic region, Roles, and Activities, recognising that job descriptions vary widely. Please see our tag legend for our definitions at the bottom of this page. If you are not finding what you need, try leaving one or to of the tags blank, then all resources in this library will then appear.
- Our search button 🔍 in the dark blue banner at the top of the page ⤴️ can be useful for key words.
- Symbols are used for 👍 good or ✊🏽 neutral or 👎 poor to indicate the level of Transparency, Diversity, Dynamism, and Evidence-base, which are 4 of the SFS Toolkit’s guiding principles. The symbols are our opinion – please let us know if you have a different opinion!
- ❓ If you are uncertain of what resources to begin with, take the sustainablility self-assessment and we will recommend resources that best suit your learning needs.
Tags: please narrow what you are searching for
The Nyéléni Global Forum (2025)
The world is in unprecedented turmoil, and we are all facing deep-rooted overlapping crises. We need a paradigm shift to reclaim the right to shape our own food systems for the well-being of people and the planet. Launched in 1996 at the World Food Summit, food sovereignty promotes a people-focused approach to food systems, prioritizing … Read more
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Upcycled Food Association (UFA)(Website)
Upcycled Food Association (UFA) is a nonprofit trade association focused on reducing food waste by growing the upcycled food economy. The mission of the UFA is to champion upcycling as one of the most critical solutions to mitigate the climate crisis and advocate for the best interests of the upcycled food industry. They envision a … Read more
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Physicians Association for Nutrition (PAN)(website)
The Physicians Association for Nutrition (PAN) is an international NGO on a mission to eliminate diet-related deaths globally. By making nutrition a core part of healthcare and by engaging health professionals in efforts towards healthy and sustainable food environments they are advancing the food transformation needed to mitigate the three largest global health crises: chronic … Read more
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Open Food Network (website)
The Open Food Network (OFN) is a global network of people and organisations working together to build a new food system. OFN believes a sustainable and resilient food system needs to reconnect producers and consumers. Together OFN members develop open and shared resources, knowledge, and software to support a better food system. They aim to empower … Read more
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School Meals Coalition. (2021 website)
The School Meals Coalition is a prominent and innovative vehicle for multilateral action and addresses multiple Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) outcomes. The School Meals Coalition is a government-led and partner-supported effort that aims at ensuring that by 2030 every child worldwide can receive a healthy meal in school. Led by Brazil, Finland, and France, the … Read more
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Planet-friendly school meals: opportunities to improve children’s health and leverage change in food systems (2024)
Pastorino, S., et al. (2024, November 18). Planet-friendly school meals: Opportunities to improve children’s health and leverage change in food systems. The Lancet Planetary Health. Planet-friendly school meals, defined as programmes delivering equitable and healthy foods for children, produced in ways that do not pollute or overexploit natural resources and protect biodiversity, are a platform to … Read more
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Good Practices in School Gardens and School Meals: Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean (2024)
As part of food and nutrition education actions and a component of Sustainable Schools, the Programme encourages school garden initiatives, considering their potential to transform food habits of current and future generations, training students to be aware of the impacts of food production on the environment and on agri-food systems. In addition, with the greater … Read more
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Global Roots (website)
Global Roots promotes regenerative, equitable, and nutritious plant-based food systems by modeling agricultural conservation projects, partnering with organizations around the world to implement whole systems change, and providing on-the-ground education programs. They are based in the USA* and the Dominican Republic** in partnership with the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and are exploring … Read more
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Options for reforming agricultural subsidies from health, climate, and economic perspectives (2022)
Springmann, M., Freund, F. Options for reforming agricultural subsidies from health, climate, and economic perspectives. Nat Commun 13, 82 (2022). Agricultural subsidies are an important factor for influencing food production and therefore part of a food system that is seen as neither healthy nor sustainable. Here we analyse options for reforming agricultural subsidies in … Read more
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Justice on the Menu: Legal & Policy Strategies to Address Structural Discrimination in the US Food System (2024 Oct)
ChangeLab Solutions. Justice on the Menu: Legal & Policy Strategies to Address Structural Discrimination in the US Food System. 2024. Food is a basic human necessity, and access to nutritious food is essential to people’s health and well-being. However, racial injustice and oppression embedded in the US food system cause economic, environmental, and health … Read more
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Untapped opportunities: Climate financing for food systems transformation (2022)
Global Alliance for the Future of Food. (2022). Untapped opportunities: Climate financing for food systems transformation. Growing, processing and transporting food accounts for one-third of all global greenhouse gas emissions, but just 3% of public climate finance goes to food systems. Untapped Opportunities: Climate Financing for Food Systems Transformation presents the case for food … Read more
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Serving hope: rethinking school meal programs in Latin America (2024)
López, D. S., Gamba, M., & Uriza-Pinzón, J. (2024). Serving hope: Rethinking school meal programs in Latin America. The Lancet Regional Health – Americas, 36, Article 100818. This article is a commentary providing a good overview and links to improving school meals programs, including issues to foster and educate on Sustainable Food Systems. Snippets from the Article: … Read more
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Sustainable healthy diets: guiding principles (2019)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) jointly held an international expert consultation on Sustainable and Healthy Diets from 1 to 3 July 2019 at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy. The Consultation agreed on guiding principles for what constitutes “Sustainable Healthy Diets”, which comes when the debate … Read more
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Nutrition policy critical to optimize response to climate, public health crises (2023)
Rifkin, M. (2023). Nutrition policy in the Anthropocene: Addressing chronic disease, climate change, and health care system vulnerabilities. Frontiers in Nutrition, 10, 1118753. Note: This article is part of the Research Topic: Nutrition for Humanity in the Anthropocene – for Healthier People on a Healthier Planet. The effects of unanticipated crises on health care and … Read more
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Analysis: U.S. Lags Behind Other G20 Nations at Adding Sustainability Into Dietary Guidelines (2023)
Rifkin, J. (2023). U.S. lags behind other G20 nations at adding sustainability into dietary guidelines. Center for Biological Diversity. The Center for Biological Diversity released an analysis of the dietary guidelines of the G20 countries that found the United States has fallen behind in including sustainability. The analysis found that most G20 nations include … Read more
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The Food Planet Prize
The Curt Bergfors Foundation was established on August 30th, 2019, in acknowledgement of the perils that our current food systems pose to the health of people and the planet, and with the conviction that the ways we produce, distribute and consume food must be radically and urgently reformed if future generations — and the planet … Read more
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Sustainable School Feeding Network (RAES)
The Sustainable School Feeding Network (RAES) is a strategy of the Brazil-FAO International Cooperation in school feeding, developed by the Government of Brazil, through the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC/MRE) and the National Fund for Educational Development (FNDE/MEC), with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The RAES was a … Read more
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FOODPathS is a project funded by the European Commission (EC) that aims to offer a concrete pathway and necessary tools for establishing an appropriate operational environment for the future European Partnership for Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) for People, Planet & Climate, to be launched in 2024. The SFS Partnership aims for the transformation of national, … Read more
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Center for Ecoliteracy
The Center for Ecoliteracy in California, USA, advances the teaching and modeling of sustainable practices in K–12 schools. We build partnerships and the capacity of K–12 schools to support healthy, sustainable school communities and food systems change in schools. The Center for Ecoliteracy leads systems change initiatives, publishes original books and resources, facilitates conferences and … Read more
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AUDA NEPAD Guidelines for the Design and Implementation of Home-Grown School Feeding Programmes in Africa (2022)
The Guidelines for the Design and Implementation of African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) Home Grown School Feeding Programmes in Africa is the result of a collaborative effort supported by the African Union Commission for Education, Science, Technology and Innovations (AUC-ESTI) and the World Food Programme (WFP). Home Grown School Feeding has been recognized by African … Read more
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AUDA NEPAD Home Grown School Feeding Handbook (2020)
This African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) Handbook was prepared primarily based on the experience and lessons from Botswana, Ghana and Nigeria. These three countries are among the most advanced countries in implementing HGSF which are supported and led by their national government. The handbook is one of the tools to … Read more
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FAO Global Roadmap for Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG2) without Breaching the 1.5°C Threshold (2023 Dec)
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) developed the Global Roadmap for Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG2) without Breaching the 1.5°C Threshold aimed at eliminating hunger and all forms of malnutrition without exceeding the 1.5°C threshold set by the Paris Agreement. The roadmap outlines a comprehensive strategy spanning the next three years that encompasses a diverse … Read more
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Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition, in the context of urbanization and rural transformation (2024 July)
Citation: HLPE. 2024. Strengthening urban and peri‑urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition, in the context of urbanization and rural transformation. Rome, CFS HLPE‑FSN. Retrieved from FAO CFS HLPE-FSN wesbiste. In an era in which almost 80 percent of the global population resides in urban and peri‑urban (U‑PU) areas, understanding and addressing the … Read more
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Regenerative Aquatic Foods (RAF) Roadmap (2023)
Citation: Food + Planet, CGIAR & GAIN. Regenerative Aquatic Foods Roadmap (Rockefeller Foundation, 2023); During a convening at the Bellagio Center in July 2023, a group of experts co-created the RAF Roadmap, aligning closely with the SDGs. The experts, with backgrounds in nutrition, environmental conservation, aquaculture, policy development economics and community practices, recognized the … Read more
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Austrian Dietary Guidelines (2024)
The 2024 Austrian Dietary guidelines were developed by the Competence Center for Climate and Health of Austria GmbH (GÖG) together with the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) and the Austrian Society for Nutrition (ÖGE). Both health and climate aspects were taken into account. Visit the link to also download the brochure “Healthy … Read more
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Exploring the barriers and facilitators for following a sustainable diet: A holistic and contextual scoping review (Barcelona, 2024)
Muñoz-Martínez, J., Cussó-Parcerisas, I., Carrillo-Álvarez, E. Exploring the barriers and facilitators for following a sustainable diet: A holistic and contextual scoping review. Sustainable Production and Consumption (2024). 46, 476-490. (pay wall) Relevant to: Dietitians, nutritionists, and public health professionals aiming to promote a shift towards sustainable and healthy diets. Question: Identifying the barriers and … Read more
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TABLE (website)
TABLE’s mission: ingredients for better dialogue. TABLE is a food systems platform that sets out the evidence, assumptions and values that people bring to debates about resilient and sustainable food futures. They explore the data, the biases and the beliefs behind those debates in order to support better dialogue, decision making and action. TABLE is … Read more
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Determining Health: Food systems issue brief (2024)
This issue brief explores the connections between food systems and human health and well-being in the Canadian context, as part of the Determining Health series of the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health. It is also available in French. This issue brief is intended for public health practitioners, decision-makers, researchers, and students looking to learn about … Read more
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Sustainability-informed dietetics education: key messages for educators and national dietetics associations (2024)
Browne S, Corish C, Nordin S, Carlsson L. Sustainability-informed dietetics education: key messages for educators and national dietetics associations. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2024; 1–10. Background Dietetics curricula currently fail to meet the educational needs of the future dietetic workforce to contribute expertise in sustainable, healthy food systems in the settings in which dietitians work. A ‘Global Networking Event on Sustainable Food Systems in Nutrition and … Read more
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How Practitioners Can Influence Planetary Health (2024)
Published by Orgain, written by Mary Purdy, MS, RDN. This 12-page article is inclusive of a useful list of resources and references with 9 suggestions for putting recommendations into practice. In addition to the topics they raise, two other issues are key for Sustainable Food Systems: 🥤 🛒 PLASTICS are a huge part of the problem in all parts … Read more
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African Women’s Collaborative for Healthy Food Systems (2017)
The African Women’s Collaborative for Healthy Food Systems was launched in 2017 at the instigation of Elizabeth Mpofu, organic farmer, activist and leader, who felt compelled to address the continuing marginalization of peasant and indigenous women in Africa. Elizabeth was soon joined by peasant and indigenous women leaders from six African countries who, together, forged … Read more
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Playbook for Guiding Diners Toward Plant-Rich Dishes in Food Service (2020)
World Resources Institute (2020). Playbook for Guiding Diners Toward Plant-Rich Dishes in Food Service. To help food service companies support diners in choosing more plant-rich meals, this playbook from WRI’s Better Buying Lab outlines the top 23 ‘behavior change’ strategies drawing on cutting-edge academic research into how people choose food, as well as insights from … Read more
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Recipes for success: Working together for healthy and sustainable diets in Europe (2022)
Excerpts from the introduction to the guide by Marinke van Riet, Chief Weaver, Healthy Food Healthy Planet: From the Executive Summary: ‘We started this project to bring together our learning from the past 9 years of Eating Better. But in doing so, we found that there is much to learn from collaborations elsewhere in Europe. … Read more
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Link is infected? CASCADES (Creating a Sustainable Canadian Health System in a Climate Crisis)
CASCADES’ vision is a pan-Canadian health system that supports a healthy planet, is caring and equitable, and serves communities so that they thrive. Their work supports the Canadian healthcare community in making this vision a reality. CASCADES strengthens the capacity of the healthcare community across Canada to transition towards, high-quality, low-carbon, sustainable and climate-resilient care … Read more
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Collaborative Centre for Climate, Health & Sustainable Care Organization (2023)
The Collaborative Centre for Climate, Health & Sustainable Care is a multi-faculty academic unit at the University of Toronto. Launched in November 2023, the Collaborative Centre is an initiative of four faculties: the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, the Temerty Faculty of Medicine, the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, and the Leslie Dan Faculty … Read more
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Position on the Importance of Including Environmental Sustainability in Dietary Guidance (SNEB, 2019)
Rose, D., Heller, M. C., & Roberto, C. A. (2019). Position of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior: The Importance of Including Environmental Sustainability in Dietary Guidance. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 51(1), 3-15.e1. Abstract: It is the position of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior that environmental sustainability should be inherent … Read more
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The food marketing environment: A force for or against human and planetary health? (2023)
Haffner, T. and Culliford, A. (2023) The food marketing environment: A force for or against human and planetary health?. Food Research Collaboration Policy Insight. ISBN: 978-1-903957-80-6 This Policy Insight by Tanya Haffner and Amy Culliford examines how the food marketing environment (traditional advertising, online marketing, marketing strategies) contributes to diet-related ill health. The authors analyse … Read more
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Sustainability by the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group (Website)
The Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group (VN DPG) is the leading authority on evidence-based plant-based nutrition for the public and health professionals who wish to learn more about the benefits of plant-based diets for health and sustainability. VN DPG professionals are at the forefront of educating the public about vegetarian nutrition and its relationship to … Read more
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A conceptual framework for understanding the environmental impacts of ultra-processed foods and implications for sustainable food systems (2022)
K. Anastasiou, P. Baker, M. Hadjikakou, G.A. Hendrie, M. Lawrence. A conceptual framework for understanding the environmental impacts of ultra-processed foods and implications for sustainable food systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 368, 2022, 133155, ISSN 0959-6526, (paywall). Relevant to: Dietitians interested in understanding the environmental impacts of UPFs. Question: Research aim: to determine … Read more
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Conceptualising the drivers of ultra-processed food production and consumption and their environmental impacts: A group model-building exercise (2023)
Kim Anastasiou, Phillip Baker, Gilly A. Hendrie, Michalis Hadjikakou, Sinead Boylan, Abhishek Chaudhary, Michael Clark, Fabrice A.J. DeClerck, Jessica Fanzo, Anthony Fardet, Fernanda Helena Marrocos Leite, Daniel Mason-D’Croz, Rob Percival, Christian Reynolds, Mark Lawrence. Conceptualising the drivers of ultra-processed food production and consumption and their environmental impacts: A group model-building exercise. Global Food Security, Volume … Read more
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Ultra-processed foods should be central to global food systems dialogue and action on biodiversity (2022)
Leite FHM, Khandpur N, Andrade GC, et al. Ultra-processed foods should be central to global food systems dialogue and action on biodiversity. BMJ Global Health 2022;7:e008269. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2021-008269 This commentary highlights the impact of global diets characterised by a high intake of ultra-processed foods on agrobiodiversity. It calls for prioritising and addressing ultra-processed foods in global … Read more
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Environmental sustainability in national food-based dietary guidelines: a global review (2022)
Citation: James-Martin G, Baird DL, Hendrie GA, et al. Environmental sustainability in national food-based dietary guidelines: a global review. Lancet Planet Health 2022; 6: e977–86. Summary Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) provide country-specific guidance on what constitutes a healthy diet. With increasing evidence for the synergy between human and planetary health, FBDGs have started to … Read more
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Nutrition and Dietetics Professionals Sustainable Food Systems Knowledge Seeking Behaviour (2024)
Citation: Powell, R., Carlsson, L., & Callaghan, E. (2024). Nutrition and Dietetics Professionals Sustainable Food Systems Knowledge Seeking Behaviour. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 1–17. (paywall) Abstract Sustainable food system (SFS) competence is a new and recognized knowledge area for nutrition and dietetics professionals (NDP). This research seeks to describe the SFS knowledge-seeking … Read more
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Availability and Accessibility of Healthy and Unhealthy Foods in Neighborhood and their Association with Noncommunicable Diseases: A Scoping Review (2024)
Sachdeva B, Puri S, Aeri BT. Availability and accessibility of healthy and unhealthy foods in neighborhood and their association with noncommunicable diseases: A scoping review. Indian J Public Health 2024;68:95-105. DOI: 10.4103/ijph.ijph_436_23 Abstract Worldwide, 7 million mortalities and 187.7 million morbidities have been associated with dietary risks. Poor diets emerge because of an obesogenic environment. … Read more
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Sustainability and food systems concepts in dietetic training standards in speaking Spanish countries (2023)
Carvajal Useche KC, Rangel Palacio N, Carlsson L. Sustainability and food systems concepts in dietetic training standards in speaking Spanish countries. Rev Esp Nutr Hum Diet. 2023; 27(4): 315-24. doi: (open source) Follow the link to read the full article in both Spanish and English. Key Messages Abstract Introduction: Global calls for action to … Read more
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Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH)
Since 2008 the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) has engaged healthcare professionals, patients, and the wider community to understand the connections between health and the environment and reduce healthcare’s resource footprint. CSH’s work is guided by the principles of sustainable clinical practice: CSH programmes equip healthcare professionals and organisations with methods and metrics for sustainable … Read more
Transparency | Diversity | Dynamism | Evidence-based |
Partial substitutions of animal with plant protein foods in Canadian diets have synergies and trade-offs among nutrition, health and climate outcomes (2024 Feb)
Auclair, O., Eustachio Colombo, P., Milner, J. et al. Partial substitutions of animal with plant protein foods in Canadian diets have synergies and trade-offs among nutrition, health and climate outcomes. Nat Food (2024). (Paywall) The study was published in Nature Food in February 2024 and was conducted by researchers at McGill University and the London … Read more
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German Nutrition Society (DGE): DGE position statement on a more sustainable diet (2021)
Renner B, Arens-Azevêdo U, Watzl B, Richter M, Virmani K, Linseisen. J for the German Nutrition Society (DGE): DGE position statement on a more sustainable diet. Ernahrungs Umschau 2021; 68(7): 144–54. DOI: 10.4455/eu.2021.030 Summary Our understanding of the term sustainability has evolved considerably over the last 50 years and is now a key element of … Read more
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Planetary Health by Rx Brick Exchange (updated regularly)
One of the free collections by Rx Brix Exchange is about Planetary Health, which covers the relationship between human health and the environment to empower future health professionals to prepare for and tackle challenges that a changing climate and environmental pollution present to our health and livelihoods. 14 bricks are in the collection and it … Read more
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Sustainable diets and risk of overweight and obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2024)
Citation: Reger C, Leitzmann MF, Rohrmann S, Kühn T, Sedlmeier AM, Jochem C. Sustainable diets and risk of overweight and obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews. 2024;1‐11. doi:10.1111/obr.13707 Summary – Sustainable diets are gaining interest as a possible approach to tackle climate change and the global extent of obesity. Yet, the association between … Read more
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Manifesto for One Health in Europe (2023)
From the Manifesto: The Coalition of Health Professionals for Regenerative Agriculture is a growing movement of health professionals and a multidisciplinary set of people and organisations connecting the dots between soil health and human health. This manifesto aims to give voice to a European Regenerative Healthcare movement and incentivise actions across the food, agriculture, and … Read more
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Call for sustainable food systems including (medical) nutrition for hospitalised children and their families (2024)
Verbruggen SCAT, Cochius den Otter S, Bakker J, et al. Call for sustainable food systems including (medical) nutrition for hospitalised children and their families. Frontline Gastroenterology Published Online First: 20 March 2024. doi: 10.1136/flgastro-2023-102478 (open access)
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Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System (2024)
Sutton, William R.; Lotsch, Alexander; Prasann, Ashesh. 2024. Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System. © Washington, DC: World Bank. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO. Abstract The global agrifood system has been largely overlooked in the fight against climate change. Yet, greenhouse gas emissions from the agrifood system are so big that they alone could cause … Read more
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Food Systems Transformation WhatsApp Community (2024)
The Food Systems Transformation WhatsApp Community grew out of Food Systems at COP28. It is now a year-round meeting place for food systems folks who will bring information from and back to our homes and communities. There are different channels within it to suit your interests and to limit notifications to only what you really … Read more
Transparency | Diversity | Dynamism | Evidence-based |
Association between sustainable dietary patterns and body weight, overweight, and obesity risk in the NutriNet-Santé prospective cohort (2020)
Seconda L, Egnell M, Julia C, et al. Association between sustainable dietary patterns and body weight, overweight, and obesity risk in the NutriNet-Santé prospective cohort. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020; 112(1): 138-149. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqz259 From the abstract: Improving the sustainability of current food systems may prevent future public health, environmental, and social concerns. Our objective was to investigate the associations between sustainable dietary … Read more
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Food diversity: its relation to children’s health and consequent economic burden (2024)
Hasanah, A., Kharisma, B., Remi, S. S., et al. (2024) Food diversity: its relation to children’s health and consequent economic burden. BMC Public Health. doi:10.1186/s12889-024-18530-w (open access) This study investigates the impact of low food diversity on the health status of children using the Dietary Diversity Score (DDS) and Dietary Serving Score (DSS) in a … Read more
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Communicating about healthy & sustainable eating to consumers with low socioeconomic status: Evidence-based recommendations (2024)
European Food Information Council (EUFIC) and Caritas Trieste in Italy conducted joint research and developed evidence-based recommendations for “Facilitating the Healthy and Sustainable Diet Shift through Effective Communication in Communities with Low Socioeconomic Status”. Consumers with low socioeconomic status (SES) face unique challenges that limit their uptake of healthy & sustainable eating (e.g., reduced affordability, … Read more
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Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming (website)
Sustain is a powerful alliance of organisations and communities working together for a better system of food, farming and fishing, and cultivating the movement for change. Together, they advocate food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture, … Read more
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Can agroecology improve food security and nutrition? A review (2021)
Bezner Kerr, R., Madsen, S., Stüber, M., Liebert, J., Mazibuko, H., Funnel, K., … & Wezel, A. (2021). Can agroecology improve food security and nutrition? A review. Global Food Security, 29, 100540. (paid access) Highlights Abstract Agroecology increasingly has gained scientific and policy recognition as having potential to address environmental and social issues within food … Read more
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Food as Medicine Global Directory (website)
Food as Medicine Global (FAMG) has an active online space, maintaining connections and hosting an annual, eco-friendly online conference highlighting community leaders working at the intersection of food, health, social justice, and planetary well-being. The next Annual Food Justice ConferenceSaturday, November 8, 2025 from 8 am – 3 pm PT You are encouraged to be … Read more
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The Dietary ShiftEat as if it will save people, societies and the planet — because it will. (2024 Mar)
The Food System Economics Commission (FSEC) is an independent academic commission that equips political and economic decision makers with tools and evidence to shift food and land use systems. Patterns of how and where people meet and eat have evolved to provide fast, cheap food that relies on a harmful transnational industrial food system. This … Read more
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Communicating on climate change and health: Toolkit for health professionals (2024)
While climate change is a big threat to health, implementing solutions to address climate change presents a huge opportunity to promote better health and protect people from climate-sensitive diseases. Communicating the health risks of climate change and the health benefits of climate solutions is both necessary and helpful. Health professionals are well-placed to play a … Read more
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Exploring the barriers and facilitators for following a sustainable diet: A holistic and contextual scoping review (2024)
Abstract: Changing current dietary patterns to more sustainable ones is paramount to decrease the pressure food systems are putting onto the planet and people’s health and wellbeing. However, modifying consumers’ behaviour is extremely challenging since multiple factors of variable nature (i.e., personal, socioeconomic, cultural, external…) influence food choices. For this reason, we aim to identify … Read more
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The Economics of the Food System Transformation (2024)
On 29 January 2024, leading experts from the Food System Economics Commission (FSEC) unveiled a new economic model that maps the impacts of two possible futures for the global food system. The report is extremely useful for Dietitians and Nutritionists, with diet central to improving our food system. The text emphasizes the urgent need for … Read more
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Teaching nutrition and sustainable food systems: justification and an applied approach (2023 Sep)
Campbell, C., & Feldpausch, J. (2023). Teaching nutrition and sustainable food systems: justification and an applied approach. Frontiers in Nutrition. Systems thinking is an essential skill for solving real-world problems, supporting lasting, impactful change, and creating desired futures. Transdisciplinary teaching and learning should be integrated into higher education to ensure students have the knowledge … Read more
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Food systems-based dietary guidelines (FSBDGs, 2024)
This document is a brief introduction to the new food systems-based dietary guidelines (FSBDGs) methodology developed by FAO, which not only aims to address health and nutritional priorities but takes a food system approach to promote healthy diets, by considering socio-cultural, economic, and environmental sustainability. Why is a food systems-based methodology necessary? Most countries have … Read more
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Innovative Food Systems Teaching and Learning (IFSTAL)
IFSTAL (Innovative Food Systems Teaching and Learning) is a cross-university, interdisciplinary food systems training programme for postgraduate students to address global food challenges. There is an urgent need to train a cohort of professionals who can address and resolve the increasing number of fundamental failings in the global food system. The solutions to these systemic … Read more
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A pathway to personal, population and planetary health for dietitians and nutrition professionals (2023 Nov)
MacKenzie-Shalders, K. L., Barbour, L., Charlton, K., Cox, G. R., Lawrence, M., Murray, S., Newberry, K., Senior, N. M., Stanton, R., & Tagtow, A. M. (2023). A pathway to personal, population and planetary health for dietitians and nutrition professionals. Public Health Nutrition, Advance online publication. Abstract Background Earth and all its inhabitants are threatened by a … Read more
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Next-generation solutions to address adaptive challenges in dietetics practice: the I+PSE conceptual framework for action (2022)
Tagtow A, Herman D, Cunningham-Sabo L. Next-generation solutions to address adaptive challenges in dietetics practice: the I+PSE conceptual framework for action. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022; 122(1): 15-24. This article focuses on Applications for Professional Practice. The following is taken from the introduction to the article: “It describes the Individual plus Policy, System, and Environmental (I+PSE) Conceptual Framework for Action (known as … Read more
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Food environment framework in low- and middle-income countries – An integrative review (2023 Dec)
Neha Gupta, Vaishali Deshmukh, Sonika Verma, Seema Puri, Nikhil Tandon, Narendra K. Arora. Food environment framework in low- and middle-income countries – An integrative review. Global Food Security. Volume 39. 2023. 100716. ISSN 2211-9124. (pay wall) Relevant to: Researchers from multidisciplinary domains, policy makers, program managers Question: The integrative review addressed the following objectives: … Read more
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Environmental imprints of agricultural and livestock produce: a scoping review from South Asian countries (2023 Dec)
Sachdeva B, Puri S, Aeri BT. Environmental imprints of agricultural and livestock produce: a scoping review from South Asian countries. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2023: 1–13. (pay wall) Relevant to: Medical professionals, nutrition experts, chefs, foodservice procurement Question: The present study explored the role of South Asian food crops and livestock in environmental degradation. … Read more
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Sustainability Practices in School Feeding Programs (2023 Sep)
This paper provides an overview of research on environmental considerations in school feeding programmes and a synopsis of evaluations of two school feeding programs (U.S. National School Lunch Program and Portugal) with emphasis on their environmental impacts. The paper concludes that estimates of the environmental impacts of school feeding programs are needed to design menus … Read more
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Agriculture, Food and Climate Action Toolkit (2023 Dec)
The Agriculture, Food and Climate Action Toolkit aims to help national policymakers translate global climate and food commitments into local actions directly supports the COP28 Emirates Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action. The opportunity for the Declaration’s signatories to translate their commitments into ambitious national-level action lies in Nationally Determined Contributions … Read more
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Including aspects of sustainability in the degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics: An evaluation based on student perceptions (2020)
Education is progressing towards having a more sustainable outlook. Numerous approaches to sustainability teaching have been conducted at different educational stages, but few studies have used quantitative methods to measure its impact. The aim of this quasi-experimental intervention was to integrate competences in “Sustainable Development” (SustD) into the teaching syllabus of a degree at University … Read more
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Centering Equity in Sustainable Food Systems Education (2021)
Sustainable food systems education (SFSE) is rapidly advancing to meet the need for developing future professionals who are capable of effective decision-making regarding agriculture, food, nutrition, consumption, and waste in a complex world. Equity, particularly racial equity and its intersectional links with other inequities, should play a central role in efforts to advance SFSE given … Read more
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Leveraging Online Learning to Promote Systems Thinking for Sustainable Food Systems Training in Dietetics Education (2021)
Educating and training a multisectoral food systems workforce is a critical part of developing sustainable, resilient, and healthy food and water systems. This paper shares perspectives from a working group of educators, learners, and food systems subject matter experts that collaborated over the course of a year to develop, pilot test, and evaluate two interactive … Read more
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European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Food
EIT Food is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), the mission is to transform how food is produced, distributed, and consumed and to increase its value to European society. They achieve this by solving the biggest innovation challenges through trusted industry, education and research partners working together with informed and … Read more
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Sustainable Food Systems Network (EUFIC)
European Food Information Council (EUFIC)‘s Global Sustainable Food Systems Network facilitates communication and collaboration amongst stakeholders in sustainable food systems (SFS) across the globe. In this community, you will find policy makers, business professionals, civil society organizations, researchers, NGOs/non-profit organizations, funding agencies and interested citizens. The network allows members to: The SFSN Community leaders send a … Read more
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Global Food Systems Network Map
The Global Food Systems Network Map is a powerful online tool designed to visually represent the relationships among stakeholders involved in food systems-related efforts worldwide. Given the varied and dynamic nature of global food systems, it is often challenging to track projects and partners. This Network Map, created by Meridian Institute, aims to alleviate these challenges … Read more
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JHND Special Issue: Sustainable Food Systems and Dietary Patterns in Nutrition and Dietetic Practice (2023 Dec)
The British Dietetic Association’s Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics (JHND) published a Special Issue on Sustainable Food Systems and Dietary Patterns in Nutrition and Dietetic Practice edited by: Liesel Carlsson, Angela Madden, and Kalliopi-Anna Poulia (Volume 36, Issue 6, Pages: 2121-2350, December 2023). Twelve of the sixteen articles are open access and cover a … Read more
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Sustainability and Food Insights Survey (USA, 2023)
Food + Planet‘s 2023 Sustainability and Food Insights Survey included 1,161 Registered Dietitians (RDs) across the USA and found the vast majority of RDs believe their profession should be involved in advocating for sustainable food systems, yet most do not feel confident in providing guidance, primarily due to lack of education and resources. The survey … Read more
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From Plate To Planet (2023 Nov)
The IPES-Food report ‘From Plate To Planet’ identifies inspiring examples of comprehensive food and climate action by city and regional governments drawn from Glasgow Declaration signatories. The report urges national governments to stop neglecting food systems in their climate pledges, and to pay attention to the pioneering emissions-slashing efforts of cities and regions. Top line … Read more
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Blue Foods as Medicine Curricula (2023 Oct)
Blue Foods as Medicine is a FREE, interactive, four-module online curriculum for health and nutrition professionals and students. The modules are 1: Blue Foods Foundation, 2: Sea Vegetables, 3: Bivalves, Clams, Oysters, Mussels; and 4: Integrating into Your Practice. The modules are self-paced and evidence-based focused on actionable ways to implement concepts across a variety … Read more
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Food Systems (One Earth Journal by Cell Press)
Access to food is a universal need and a fundamental right, yet current patterns of production and consumption are failing to address issues of food security while simultaneously deteriorating planetary health. In recognition of the urgent need to transform the way we consume, produce, and think about food, this collection of opinion pieces, authoritative reviews, … Read more
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Solving the Great Food Puzzle: Right Innovation, Right Impact, Right Place. (2023)
WWF (2023). Solving the Great Food Puzzle: Right Innovation, Right Impact, Right Place. Loring, P., Loken, B., Meyer, M., Polack, S., Paolini, A., et al. WWF, Gland, Switzerland Our food systems are at the centre of some of the biggest challenges of our time, which means they must also be at the centre of our … Read more
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Optimizing sustainable, affordable, and healthy diets and estimating the impact of plant-based substitutes to milk and meat: A case study in Spain (2023 Sep)
Muñoz-Martínez, J., Abejón Elías R., Batlle-Bayer, L., Cussó-Parcerisas, I., Carrillo-Álvarez, E. (2023) Optimizing sustainable, affordable and healthy diets and estimating the impact of plant-based substitutes to milk and meat: A case study in Spain. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 424. (paid access) Relevant to: Dietitians and public health nutritionists, Health care professionals, Policy makers Question: … Read more
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Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic’s Future of Food
In 2012, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation launched the Future of Food initiative. In October 2018 they released the Sustainable, Resilient, and Healthy Food and Water Systems dietetic internship concentration in collaboration with Nutrition and Dietetic Educators and Preceptors and the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics. The Future of Food page … Read more
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Equipping nutrition graduates for the complex realities of practice: Using practitioner perspectives and experiences to inform authentic sustainability curriculum (2023)
Maher, J, Ashford, T, Verdonck, M, English, E, Burkhart, S. Equipping nutrition graduates for the complex realities of practice: Using practitioner perspectives and experiences to inform authentic sustainability curriculum. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2023; 1– 11. Open access link to article: Relevant to: Dietitians, Practitioners, Nutrition students, Nutrition graduates Questions the research focuses on: How do a cohort of Australian N&D professionals perceive … Read more
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Swedish Dietitians Work to Reduce Food Waste (2020)
Supported by great resources from the Swedish Food Agency (, dietitians are reducing the amount of food wasted in Swedish institutions, including schools, long-term care facilities, and hospitals. Swedes throw away about 25% of the food and drink that we purchase per person, per year! For individuals and households, it is because we buy too … Read more
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How do dietetics students learn about sustainability? A scoping review (2023)
McCormack, J., Rutherford, S., Ross, L. J., Noble, C., & Bialocerkowski, A. (2023). How do dietetics students learn about sustainability? A scoping review. Nutrition & Dietetics. Link to the article Open Access: Relevant to: Dietetic Educators, Dietitians, Dietetic Students Questions the research focuses on: Bottom line for nutrition practice: Despite increasing discussion about … Read more
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Aquatic Foods Toolkit (2023)
A World of Aquatic Foods Resources: Open-access resources designed to empower chefs, foodservice, consumer packaged goods entrepreneurs, healthcare professionals, and other aquatic food advocates in promoting bivalves and sea vegetables. 🌐 You’ll get: Free, open-access toolkits, packed with evidence-based resources, eater insights, tested messaging, nutritional guidance, and inspiring recipes. Access to an interactive Aquatic Foods … Read more
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Strategies for reducing meat consumption within college and university settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2023 March)
Citation: Chang KB, Wooden A, Rosman L, Altema-Johnson D and Ramsing R (2023) Strategies for reducing meat consumption within college and university settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 7:1103060. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1103060 (open access) 3.4.1. Success rate variations Over two-thirds of the included interventions were associated with significant reductions in meat consumption … Read more
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Seaweed’s contribution to food security in low- and middle-income countries: Benefits from production, processing and trade (2023 Jun)
Patrick Webb, Natalie K. Somers, Shakuntala H. Thilsted. Seaweed’s contribution to food security in low- and middle-income countries: Benefits from production, processing and trade. Global Food Security. Volume 37. (2023) 100686, ISSN 2211-9124, Excerpts from the paper: One proposed solution has been to focus more on water-based food systems in general (often referred to … Read more
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Measurement of diets that are healthy, environmentally sustainable, affordable, and equitable: A scoping review of metrics, findings, and research gaps (2023 Apr)
Citation: Webb P, Livingston Staffier K, Lee H, Howell B, Battaglia K, Bell BM, Matteson J, McKeown NM, Cash SB, Zhang FF, Decker Sparks JL and Blackstone NT (2023) Measurement of diets that are healthy, environmentally sustainable, affordable, and equitable: A scoping review of metrics, findings, and research gaps. Front. Nutr. 10:1125955. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1125955 Introduction: Research on the … Read more
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Food and food-related waste management strategies in hospital food services: A systematic review (2022)
This review summarises the waste management strategies used by hospitals worldwide that divert food and food-related waste from landfill, their outcomes, and position in the food recovery hierarchy to enable hospital food services to implement appropriate practice and policy changes to decrease their environmental footprint.
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Factors influencing implementation of food and food-related waste audits in hospital foodservices (2022)
The consensus tool can be used to support hospital foodservices to complete food and food-related waste audits, although it may need to be customised to be fit for purpose. Optimising the capacity, change management and processes, governance and leadership of the foodservice department may improve the experience and success of a food and food-related waste audit.
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SEAFOOD TOMORROW was a €7m European Union Horizon 2020-funded project that ran from 2017-2021 that aimed to develop innovative sustainable solutions for improving the safety and dietary properties of seafood in Europe. Addressing the challenge to meet the growing market need for safe and sustainable seafood, the project generated new knowledge to develop commercial solutions … Read more
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Marine Conservation Society & Good Fish Guide (website)
Marine Conservation Society (MSC) is fighting for a cleaner, better protected, healthier ocean: one we can all enjoy. For a cleaner ocean, MSC campaigns to stop pollution entering our oceans, and volunteer beach cleans remove and record the litter on the UK coastline. Using science, MSC tracks the health of our waters, influences business practice, … Read more
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FishChoice Calculator (Website)
This is a personal fish consumption calculator. Seafood has been recognised as a high-quality, healthy and safe food type and is one of the most important food commodities consumed worldwide. However, seafood, like other types of food, can also be a source of harmful environmental contaminants with potential to impact on human health. FISHCHOICE is … Read more
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Aquaculture Stewardship Council (Website)
The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is the world’s leading certification scheme for farmed seafood – known as aquaculture – and the ASC label only appears on food from farms that have been independently assessed and certified as being environmentally and socially responsible. Aquaculture produces over half of the seafood eaten around the world and will … Read more
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The vital roles of blue foods in the global food system (2022 Jun)
Michelle Tigchelaar, Jim Leape, Fiorenza Micheli, Edward H. Allison, Xavier Basurto, Abigail Bennett, Simon R. Bush, Ling Cao, William W.L. Cheung, Beatrice Crona, Fabrice DeClerck, Jessica Fanzo, Stefan Gelcich, Jessica A. Gephart, Christopher D. Golden, Benjamin S. Halpern, Christina C. Hicks, Malin Jonell, Avinash Kishore, J. Zachary Koehn, David C. Little, Rosamond L. Naylor, Michael … Read more
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Four ways blue foods can help achieve food system ambitions across nations (2023)
Crona, B.I., Wassénius, E., Jonell, M. et al. Four ways blue foods can help achieve food system ambitions across nations. Nature 616, 104–112 (2023). Abstract Fig. 2: Overlap in relevance between different policy objectives. Fig. 3: Example of hypothetical trade-offs associated with policies pursuing economic and/or nutritional benefits of blue food.
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Compound climate risks threaten aquatic food system benefits (2021)
Tigchelaar, M., Cheung, W.W.L., Mohammed, E.Y. et al. Compound climate risks threaten aquatic food system benefits. Nat Food 2, 673–682 (2021). (open source) Abstract Fig. 3: Climate risk profiles based on differences in hazards, exposure and vulnerability across food system outcomes. Results, excerpt from Towards climate-resilient aquatic foods
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Aquatic (animal source) foods (AASF) to nourish nations (2021)
Golden, C.D., Koehn, J.Z., Shepon, A. et al. Aquatic foods to nourish nations. Nature 598, 315–320 (2021). (open source) Abstract: Discussion excerpt: Fig. 1: Nutrient diversity of aquatic animal-source foods in relation to terrestrial animal-source foods.
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Assessing seafood nutritional diversity together with climate impacts informs more comprehensive dietary advice (2022)
Bianchi, M., Hallström, E., Parker, R.W.R. et al. Assessing seafood nutritional diversity together with climate impacts informs more comprehensive dietary advice. Commun Earth Environ 3, 188 (2022). (open access) Abstract: Fig. 2: Nutrient density and greenhouse gas emissions of globally important seafoods:
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Blue Food Assessment (website)
More than 2,500 species or species groups of aquatic animals and plants are consumed around the world. The Blue Food Assessment set out in 2019 to: 1) fill important gaps in our understanding of the role blue foods play in global food systems 2) inform and drive change in the policies and practices that will … Read more
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The importance of food systems and the environment for nutrition (2020)
In this article, we summarize this emerging field and describe what innovative nutrition research is needed in order to bring about food policy changes in the era of climate disruption and environmental degradation.
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Sustainable food systems and diets in dietetic training standards: an international content analysis (2022 Dec)
Higgins, M, Strother, H, Burkhart, S, Carlsson, L, Meyer, NL, Spiker, M, et al. Sustainable food systems and diets in dietetic training standards: an international content analysis. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2022; 1– 10. (open access) Background: Low professional confidence and perceived competence create tangible barriers to integrating sustainable food systems (SFS) and diets into dietetic practice. One opportunity to facilitate more systemic integration into … Read more
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How to Effectively Encourage Sustainable Food Choices: A Mini-Review of Available Evidence (2022 Nov)
This is open-access peer review mini-review from Frontiers (Psychology) by Wokje Abrahamse, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand. He describes the review as the following: “Food choices are difficult to change. People’s individual motivations (such as taste, cost, and food preferences) can be at odds with the … Read more
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Nordic food systems for improved health and sustainability: Baseline assessment to inform transformation (2019)
According to the report “Nordic food systems for improved health and sustainability: Baseline assessment to inform transformation (2019)”, there are sufficient data on Nordic food systems to understand the crucial action areas and to begin taking immediate steps towards food systems transformations. A transformation implies a journey into aspects partly unknown and untested. The report … Read more
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Food system impacts on biodiversity loss (2021)
This Chatham House report was supported by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and Compassion in World Farming and describes three actions needed for food system transformation in support of biodiversity, and sets out recommendations to embed food system reform in high level political events. All have a strong role for Dietitians and Nutritionists. The problems: … Read more
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Catalan Food Based Dietary Guideline (2020)(Catalan)
The Catalan Food Based Dietary Guideline was developed by the Catalan Public Health Agency and is a very useful tool for following a healthy and sustainable diet. Sustainability recommendations are provided in boxes called “care about the environment” such as drinking tap water, prioritizing consumption of legumes more than meat, consuming local foods, purchasing olive … Read more
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Guide to a healthy and low-cost diet for families with children (2020)(Spanish)
The ICDA SFS Toolkit Regional Contact for Spain, Júlia Muñoz (@juliamunoz_dn in our COP), collaborated with her colleagues (Dr, RD Elena Carrillo, RD Marta Anguera, and Dr Irene Cussó) in the development of this document to help citizens follow a healthier and more sustainable diet at the minimum cost. This guideline is based on the results … Read more
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EFAD Position Paper: Sustainable Dietary Patterns (2021)
An interdisciplinary approach is needed to successfully integrate more sustainable healthy diets into a complex system of food production and supply. To achieve that goal, European dietetic associations and the European dietitian workforce are committed and willing to promote healthier and more sustainable dietary patterns through affordable diets that are diversified, nutritious, less resource-intensive, and … Read more
Native Food Supply Chains Report by First Peoples Worldwide (2022 Nov)
From 2021-2022, via direct engagement with over 85 Native food producers and entrepreneurs, First Peoples Worldwide collected qualitative and quantitative information from Native farmers, ranchers, harvesters, fishers, chefs, and practitioners to examine the current state of Native food supply chains and to collate recommendations towards strengthening and expanding these chains from Native perspectives. In addition … Read more
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Changing behaviour to help more people waste less food: a guide (2022 Aug)
Food loss and waste occurs throughout the food system – from farm through to fork. This guide focuses on food waste from households which is a significant issue in many countries. The causes of food waste at household level are complex. There are many drivers and many behaviours, which lead to food being wasted. Many … Read more
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ReFED (website)
ReFED is a national nonprofit dedicated to ending food loss and waste across the U.S. food system by advancing data-driven solutions. They have a holistic view of the food system and are working to achieve a 50% food waste reduction in accordance with the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The have purposeful action: The … Read more
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Sustainable healthy diets – Guiding principles (2019)
Acknowledging the existence of diverging views on the concepts of sustainable diets and healthy diets, countries have requested guidance from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) on what constitutes sustainable healthy diets. The two organisations jointly held an international expert consultation on Sustainable and Healthy … Read more
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Farm to Fork strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system (EU, 2020)
The Farm to Fork Strategy is part of the European Green Deal aiming to make food systems fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly. Food systems cannot be resilient to crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic if they are not sustainable. We need to redesign our food systems which today account for nearly one-third of global GHG emissions, … Read more
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Impacto ecológico de la alimentación en España (2022)
Presentamos la nueva edición (31) de Cuadernos de las Cooperativas de Consumidores con un monográfico sobre el «Impacto ecológico de la alimentación en España». Nuestros hábitos de alimentación y el sistema actual de producción y consumo de alimentos tienen un indudable impacto en la salud del planeta, de manera que las decisiones de compra y consumo deberían … Read more
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A Global Analysis of National Dietary Guidelines on Plant-Based Diets and Substitutions for Animal-Based Foods (2022 Nov)
Anna-Lena Klapp, Nico Feil, Antje Risius, A Global Analysis of National Dietary Guidelines on Plant-Based Diets and Substitutions for Animal-Based Foods, Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2022, nzac144, Abstract Discussing plant-based diets and substitutions for animal-based foods in food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) can be a key step in making dietary recommendations more … Read more
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The Coalition of Action on Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems for Children and All (HDSFS)(website)
The Coalition of Action on Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems for Children and All (HDSFS) was formed as an outcome of the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS). The WHO hosts/supports the coalition. The HDSFS is a ‘Coalition of the Willing’ and strives to act as a mechanism for coordinated action on healthy … Read more
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Why Bees Matter – The importance of bees and other pollinators for food and agriculture (2018)
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) collaborated with the Republic of Slovenia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food to create this pamphlet in 2018 for World Bee Day: Why Bees Matter – The importance of bees and other pollinators for food and agriculture. It reports that 3 out of 4 crops across the … Read more
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Pollinator Partnership (website)
Pollinator Partnership’s mission is to promote the health of pollinators, critical to food and ecosystems, through conservation, education, and research. Nutritionists can design menus and/or landscaping plans for their own homes, or with their communities in gardens, orchards or commons such as parks, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, schools, religious centres, hospitals, prisons, restaurants – and more! … Read more
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Pollinator Friendly Cookbook
Use this cookbook by Pollinator Partnership to create culinary masterpieces that honor pollinators and the work that they do. Food is a basic human need, and without pollinators, humans would go hungry! 🦅 🦇 🐝 🦋 🪲 🪰 Birds, bats, bees, butterflies, beetles, flies, and small animals that pollinate plants are responsible for bringing us … Read more
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‘It’s a constant changing environment, and we’re just playing catch up’: Hospital food services, food waste, and COVID-19 (2022 Jun)
The research wanted to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on hospital foodservice practices. Specifically, how COVID-19 impacted the completion of food waste audits and the generation of food waste in hospital foodservice.
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EFAD’s Kompass Nutrition & Dietetics journal (2022 Nov)
#SustainableNutrition is the focus for the November 2022 issue of The European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD)‘s Kompass Nutrition & Dietetics journal. It includes 9 articles as well as some shorter pieces and announcements related to: Good food for thought, discussion, and action! Download at:
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Delivering community benefit: Healthy food playbook (tool)
The “Delivering community benefit: Healthy food playbook” is a suite of resources to support hospital community benefit professionals and community partners in developing community health interventions that promote healthy food access and healthier food environments. If a facility has identified obesity, food access, or diet-related health conditions among the priority health needs in its community … Read more
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Healthy Food in Health Care Pledge (Tool)
You can encourage your Health Care institution to sign the Healthy Food in Health Care Pledge below, which is a framework by Health Care Without Harm US & Canada that outlines steps to improve the health of patients, communities, and the environment. In addition to encouraging your Health Care systems to sign, implement, and report … Read more
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Mapping the planet’s critical natural assets – for Nature’s Contributions to People (NCPs) (2022 Nov)
Citation: Chaplin-Kramer, R., Neugarten, R.A., Sharp, R.P. et al. Mapping the planet’s critical natural assets. Nat Ecol Evol (2022). As a nutrition professional, this study can help you demonstrate how conserving nature can contribute to human wellbeing and maps the places – both lands and waters – that are essential for providing many of nature’s benefits to nearby … Read more
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Grains of Truth 2: EAT – GlobeScan global consumer research on a sustainable food system (2022 Nov)
For the second year, EAT and GlobeScan have collaborated on developing questions to the public in 31 markets around the world on their concerns about the current food system and access to healthy and sustainable food. Respondents were asked about whether the price of food you buy on a regular basis has gone up in … Read more
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Health and environmental impacts of plant-rich dietary patterns: a US prospective cohort study (2022 Nov)
Interpretation – Dietary patterns that are associated with better health had lower greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogenous fertiliser, cropland, and irrigation water needs. Not all plant-based diets conferred the same health and environmental benefits. US dietary guidelines should include nuanced consideration of environmental sustainability.
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Taking a Food Systems Approach to Policymaking: A Resource for Policymakers (2022)
To articulate what it means to take a food systems approach and support policymakers around the world to do so, R4D and City, University of London created a package of resources consisting of an evidence review and four technical briefs. These resources define a food systems approach, explore potential entry points in different sectors, present … Read more
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Development of an EAT-Lancet index and its relation to mortality in a Swedish population (2021 Nov)
We sought to develop a new dietary index to quantify adherence to the EAT-Lancet diet and assess its association with mortality in a large, population-based Swedish cohort. A large population study from Lund University in Sweden has shown that more sustainable dietary habits are linked to health benefits, such as a reduced risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
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StratKIT Platform – Sustainable public procurement and catering network & Sustainable Public Meal Toolkit (website)
StratKIT Platform Sustainable public procurement and catering network offers open knowledge resources on sustainable public procurement and catering services. The Sustainable Public Meal Toolkit provides experience-based advice on how to set up innovative strategies and activities for sustainable public procurement and catering services.
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Exploring young Australians’ understanding of sustainable and healthy diets: A qualitative study (2022 Jul)
This qualitative study aimed to explore young Australians’ perspectives, motivators and current practices in achieving a sustainable and healthy diet. The majority of participants were aware of some aspects of a sustainable and healthy diet and indicated the need to reduce meat intake, increase intake of plant-based foods, reduce food wastage and packaging and reduce food miles.
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Green Healthcare: Healthy and Sustainable Food (website)
For over 20 years the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care has been helping those working in health care facilities, non-governmental and governmental organisations, individuals, students and businesses to share green health care best practices and to become better equipped to deal with the growing demands placed upon them to be environmentally responsible health service workers and … Read more
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Real Food Media (website)
Real Food Media is a women co-led organization that uses a wide range of communications tools—including videos, radio, podcasts, social media, public speaking, writing, campaign strategy, and storytelling—for food justice and food sovereignty. They are based in USA and active nationally, internationally, and in the communities where they each live. Strategic partnerships play a central role … Read more
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Global Green and Healthy Hospital Network (website)
This Global Green and Healthy Hospital Network (GGHH) brings together hospitals, health systems, and health organizations from around the world under the shared goal of reducing the environmental footprint of the health sector and contributing to improved public and environmental health. The framework and roadmap to reach this goal is provided by the GGHH Agenda … Read more
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Nourish Nova Scotia (website)
Nourish Nova Scotia supports children and youth to be healthy learners so they can reach their potential in the classroom and in life. Established in 2012, Nourish is a registered non-profit supporting healthy food environments for children and youth. The mission is to Nourish children and youth by promoting and supporting food and nutrition programs … Read more
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CIDSE’s principles of Agroecology – Towards just, resilient, & sustainable food systems (2018)
CIDSE advocates for radical changes towards just, resilient and sustainable models of food systems. They strongly believe that agroecology and its principles – when firmly rooted in food sovereignty and climate justice – are the way to move away from a model that threatens present and future agricultural production and food security (biodiversity losses, soil … Read more
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CIDSE (website)
CIDSE an international family of Catholic social justice organisations working for transformational change to end poverty and inequalities, challenging systemic injustice, inequity, destruction of nature and promoting just and environmentally sustainable alternatives. We work for a society based on social, economic and gender equality and solidarity, where the economy is at the service of society … Read more
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Food Systems & Climate at UNFCCC COPs
Food Systems are a key part of the Conference of Parties (CoP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) following significant advocacy from many stakeholders. Below are some key files for 2023 and 2022. There is more detail on the UNFCCC website under ‘Agriculture and Food Security”. YOU can endorse the Call … Read more
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Climate and Health Alliance (website)
The Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) is an Australian coalition of health care stakeholders who work together to see the threat to human health from climate change and ecological degradation addressed. Together they are driving the sector-wide “Our Climate Our Health” campaign, including spearheading a national consultation to develop the world-leading “Framework for a National Strategy on … Read more
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Harvard Law School Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation (Website)
The Harvard Law School Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation (CHLPI) advocates for legal, regulatory, and policy reforms in health and food systems, with a focus on the health, public health, and food needs of systemically marginalized individuals. CHLPI’s broad range of initiatives aim to expand access to high-quality health care and nutritious, affordable food; to … Read more
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Food & Society at the Aspen Institute
Food & Society at the Aspen Institute brings together public health leaders, policymakers, researchers, farmers, chefs, food makers, and entrepreneurs to find practical solutions to food system challenges and inequities. Current initiatives include a definitive and widely distributed set of food worker safety guidelines in kitchens and dining rooms during Covid-19; developing a research road map … Read more
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Diet for a Green Planet (website)
Diet for a Green Planet has projects listed since 2011 that you can gain inspiration and lessons from, videos and tools for practice, and training courses (mostly free, some paid) based in Sweden. Also see their Workshops for their International course ”Diet for a Green Planet” with Novia University of Applied Sciences and BERAS International (Building Ecological Regenerative … Read more
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Food is Medicine Massachusetts (Website)
Food is Medicine Massachusetts [FIMMA] is a multi-stakeholder coalition that materialized from the Massachusetts Food is Medicine State Plan, which provides a blueprint to building a health care system that recognises the critical relationship between food and health and ensures access to the nutrition services that state residents need to prevent, manage, and treat diet-related … Read more
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Hunter College New York City Food Policy Center (website)
The Hunter College New York City Food Policy Center develops intersectoral, innovative and evidence-based solutions to prevent diet-related diseases and promote food security in New York City and other urban centers. The Center works with policy makers, community organizations, advocates and the public to create healthier, more sustainable food environments and to use food to … Read more
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Sustainable Food Trust (website)
The Sustainable Food Trust is a UK registered charity that was founded by Patrick Holden in 2011 in response to the worsening human and environmental crises that are associated with the vast majority of today’s food and farming systems. They work to accelerate the transition to more sustainable food and farming systems that nourish the … Read more
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Alpro Foundation (website)
Alpro Foundation has been a scientific platform for over 25 years dedicated to supporting research and the dissemination of evidence-based knowledge on plant-based nutrition and its impact on health and environment amongst academics, healthcare professionals and key stakeholders in nutrition. They say: “Our mission is to support, promote, share and celebrate credible science-based knowledge and … Read more
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UN-Nutrition Strategy 2022–2030
UN-Nutrition is the United Nations inter-agency coordination mechanism for nutrition. On 2022 October 28 the first-ever UN-Nutrition strategy was launched alongside the 13th commemoration of the Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security (ADFNS), building on the momentum of the African Union’s Year of Nutrition for Africa. The UN-Nutrition Strategy embraces Sustainable Food Systems: Download … Read more
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Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN) (website)
Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN) is a web-based platform created by Dietitians of Canada that is available for members only and contains knowledge pathways (including evidence summaries, practice questions and answers, tools, etc.) for sustainable food systems, vegetarian/plant-based diets, etc. Many member organizations are ICDA members — check with your professional association about access to … Read more
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UN Food Systems Coordination Hub (2021-present)(website)
2023: The UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment took place in Rome, Italy from 24 – 26 July 2023, on the premises of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It was hosted by Italy, in collaboration with the Rome-based UN Agencies (FAO, IFAD, WFP), the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub and … Read more
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Practice Greenhealth (website)
Practice Greenhealth is a membership and networking organization for sustainable health care, delivering environmental solutions to hospitals and health systems across the United States. More than 1 in every 3 hospitals in the USA is part of the network. Members and partners include hospitals and health care systems, health care providers, manufacturers and service providers, … Read more
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Nourish USA (website)
Nourish is an educational initiative designed to open a meaningful conversation about food, health, and sustainability. To inform and inspire the largest number of people, Nourish combines PBS television, curriculum resources, web content, short films, and professional learning. Their mission is to increase food literacy and build healthy communities. Nourish is a program of WorldLink, … Read more
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Environmentally sustainable hospital foodservices: Drawing on staff perspectives to guide change (2021 January)
This resource is based off of a qualitative study in Australia that analyzes the perspectives of staff on how hospital foodservice is sustainable, how it is not sustainable, some barriers they face to becoming more sustainable, and what can be done to implement more sustainable practices. Some practices mentioned throughout the study included “power of individuals to influence change, education on recycling, knowledge generation, audits and grants for innovative research, rebates and quality improvement processes”. This resource discusses the outcome of the study from the participants perspectives in which the participants proposed ways to meet these practices by making “changes across the food supply chain and recommended generation and sharing of knowledge, leadership and policy support”.
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Food Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG) for Sri Lankans (2022)
Food Based Dietary Guidelines for Sri Lankans integrates Sustainability messages in the Practitioners’ Handbook. The forward explains that, “Sri Lanka first published food-based dietary guidelines in 2002. A revised version was launched in 2011. In 2020, Nutrition Division of Ministry of Health undertook the task of reviewing and updating the Food Based Dietary Guideline (FBDG) … Read more
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Sustainable Institutional Food Procurement Insights, lessons, and recommendations from a Churchill Fellowship (2022)
Governments have few sources of leverage over increasingly globalized food systems – but public procurement is one of them. When sourcing food for schools, hospitals and public administrations, Governments have a rare opportunity to support more nutritious diets and more sustainable food systems in one fell swoop,” – Olivier De Schutter United Nations Special Rapporteur On The … Read more
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Identifying effective interventions to promote consumption of protein-rich foods from lower ecological footprint sources: A systematic literature review (2022)
Addressing overconsumption of protein-rich foods from high ecological footprint sources can have positive impacts on health such as reduction of non-communicable disease risk and protecting the natural environment. With the increased attention towards development of ecologically sustainable diets, this systematic review aimed to critically review literature on effectiveness of those interventions aiming to promote protein-rich foods from lower ecological footprint sources.
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Reduce, Recover, Recycle—Food Waste in Prince George’s County, Maryland USA (2019)
This study describes Prince George’s County‘s problem of food waste; explains national and state efforts to reduce food waste; explores the behaviors and beliefs of residents, businesses, institutions, and organizations regarding food waste. It presents policy recommendations and strategies, supported by national promising practices, to reduce, recover, and recycle food waste in the County. By … Read more
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Feeding Britain from the Ground Up (2022 Jun)
Feeding Britain from the Ground Up – for climate, nature and health from the Sustainable Food Trust explores the potential impacts on land use, food production, and individual diets of a UK-wide transition to sustainable farming based on biological principles. If we change the way we farm and what we eat, we could improve our … Read more
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Food as Medicine: How Food and Diet Impact the Treatment of Disease and Disease Management (2022 Mar)
The Center for Food as Medicine and Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center aim to bridge the gap between traditional medicine and the use of food as medicine in the prevention and treatment of disease. This comprehensive narrative review and report is divided into five parts, including: 1) background information on the history of using … Read more
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The determinants of planetary health: an Indigenous consensus perspective (2022 Aug)
A group of Indigenous scholars, practitioners, land and water defenders, respected Elders, and knowledge-holders came together to define the determinants of planetary health from an Indigenous perspective. Three overarching levels of interconnected determinants, in addition to ten individual-level determinants, were identified as being integral to the health and sustainability of the planet, Mother Earth.
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Food is Medicine Research Action Plan (2022 Jan)
The Food is Medicine Action Plan provides a comprehensive analysis to date of research on medically tailored meals, medically tailored groceries, and produce prescriptions. It is focused on the USA but could be useful to anyone in the world to consider their own Food is Medicine Action Plan.
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Planetary health care: a framework for sustainable health systems (2021 Dec)
Dietitians-Nutritionists can play a role in all three principles (e.g., health promotion and disease prevention; advocating for Dietitian-Nutritionist services for appropriate disease intervention; decreasing emissions in the supply chain through sustainable procurement practices). They can also promote sustainable diets through policy, promotion, education, and counselling.
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The environmental footprint of health care: a global assessment (2020 Jul)
The authors analyzed input-output data from 189 countries between 2000-2015 to provide a global assessment of wide-ranging environmental impacts of the health care sector. They measured seven environmental indicators, including: greenhouse gas emissions, particulate matter, air pollutants (nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide), malaria risk, nitrogen loss to water, and water use.
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Creating Better Health for People, Animals, & the Planet: Food Systems Insights for Health Professionals. (2022 Jun)
Insights from health sector professionals, coupled with a deeper analysis of the Case Studies, make it clear that joint initiatives and cross-sector collaboration will expand perspectives of what constitutes good health and do much to advance the case for food systems transformation.
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Pollinator Power: Nutrition Security Benefits of an Ecosystem Service (2015 Aug)
From the introduction: The world has been abuzz with the dramatic losses of cultivated honey bees due to colony collapse disorder as well as declines of native pollinator species across the globe. Scientists have recently begun calculating the extent to which food crops depend on animal pollinators including bees, butterflies, and bats, with one study … Read more
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The politics of protein: examining claims about livestock, fish, ‘alternative proteins’ and sustainability. (2022 Apr)
This report critically examines eight key claims about the sustainability of protein sources for human diets. In it, authors use a political ecology lens to deconstruct: In doing so, the authors highlight significant power imbalances in who is controlling these messages, and at the same time the industry behind the solutions. They also highlight how … Read more
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Healthy and sustainable diets: Position brief of Dietitians Australia (2022 Mar, revised from 2020)
It is the position of Dietitians Australia that to promote human and planetary health, a food system transformation is needed that supports the population to adopt healthy and sustainable diet-related practices.
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Hungarian Dietetic Association (HDA) includes sustainability aspects in food-based dietary guideline, OKOSTÁNYÉR® “SMART PLATE” (2022 Apr)
The need to validate sustainability aspects has intensified in the last few years. Our behavior as consumers affects the food industry and trade responsible for a significant part of the environmental load. Considering the sustainable dietary recommendations in our consumer’s decisions, it is our health that we protect and the environment.
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Local urban government policies to facilitate healthy and environmentally sustainable diet-related practices: a scoping review (2021 Oct)
This scoping review identifies and maps healthy and environmentally sustainable diet-related policies implemented by urban local governments within the 199 signatory cities of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP).
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A systematic review of food waste audit methods in hospital foodservices: development of a consensus pathway food waste audit tool (2022 Mar)
To understand, monitor and compare the scope of food waste in hospital foodservices, it is essential to measure food waste using a standardised method. This review used published evidence to develop the first ever food waste audit consensus tool for hospital foodservices to use and measure food and food-related waste. Future research is needed to apply and test this tool in practice.
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Food-Based Dietary Guidelines in Europe: FBDG guidance on sustainability (2022 Jan)
The food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) in Europe have created a table outlining the sustainability recommendations that are specific to each country. These recommendations are culturally appropriate, with countries varying in specific recommendations to broad recommendations, or no recommendations available. Use this resource to help identify the sustainability recommendation based on your countries FBDG.
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Impacts of home cooking methods and appliances on the GHG emissions of food (2020 Dec)
This report discusses different home cooking methods and appliances and their impact on green house gas emissions from food. The overall recommendations focus on optimizing cooking time through methods of defrosting, as well as prioritizing electric methods of cooking. You can access the full contents of this report through your institution, subscription or by purchase.
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COVID-19 and Sustainable Food Systems: What Should We Learn Before the Next Emergency (2021 Mar)
This paper addresses: how COVID-19 affected food systems and food governance; three transitions necessary to better address future needs; policy and research recommendations. It is relevant to Dietitians-Nutritionists working in research and policy development, those interested in the impacts of COVID-19 on sustainable food system. It is most relevant to the European context, but many observations are relevant globally.
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The problem with growing corporate concentration and power in the global food system (2021)
This article is a commentary on the ways that corporate concentration impacts the food system, and proposes measures that can be taken to confront this concentration. It is relevant to Dietitians-Nutritionists interested in how corporate power influences the food system.
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Multi-criteria evaluation of plant-based foods – use of environmental footprint and LCA data for consumer guidance (2021)
The authors developed a consumer guide for plant-based products which uses multiple environmental indicators (climate, biodiversity, water, and pesticide use). It was developed with WWF Sweden for the Swedish market. This paper focuses on the methods of development. This research is relevant to Dietitians-Nutritionists in Europe will be interested in the results of the environmental rating of plant-based products and in the links for the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) guides on meat developed by the same authors – see “Of additional interest”. The article is also of interest for those wanting a greater understanding of the challenges of environmental rating of plant-based products.
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The public health rationale for promoting plant protein as an important part of a sustainable and healthy diet (2020)
This review examines sustainability, ethical and health considerations and challenges for consuming a more plant-based protein diet from a public health perspective, including whether plant-based diets supply enough and adequate quality protein. The article also discusses potential strategies to formulate messages to advance the shift toward an increase in plant-based protein diets. This is relevant to all Dietitians-Nutritionists
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Food + Planet (Website)
This white paper, created and launched by the Food + Planet team, provides information to help nutrition professionals contribute to and enhance sustainable food systems. Through their research, Food + Planet was able to identify 8 essential strategies as a starting point for advancing sustainability in a way that is logical, yet effective. Check out this white paper to learn more about how you can contribute to a sustainable food system and advance change.
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Plant-Based Meat and Dairy Substitutes as Appropriate Alternatives to Animal-Based Products? (2020)
This commentary poses practice and research questions about the nutrition and environmental consequences of the increased production and intake of ultra-processed plant-based meat and dairy substitutes. Their commentary reflects upon results from a study also reviewed on this website: Gehring J, Touvier M, Baudry J, Julia C, Buscail C, Srour B, et al. Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods by Pesco-Vegetarians, Vegetarians, and Vegans: Associations with Duration and Age at Diet Initiation. The Journal of Nutrition. 2020;151(1):120-31.
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Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods by Pesco-Vegetarians, Vegetarians, and Vegans: Associations with Duration and Age at Diet Initiation (2020)
This study assessed the intake of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) and unprocessed foods within a group of meat eaters and vegetarians (pesco-vegetarians, vegetarians, and vegans) in France. The nutritional quality of the plant-based foods was also assessed, as well as the determinants of UPF consumption for the vegetarians.
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A Path From Sustainable Nutrition to Nutritional Sustainability of Complex Food Systems (2019 Apr)
This resource focuses on the concept of “Nutritional Sustainability” as it relates to a “more definite estimation of the carrying capacity of the environment on personal, local, and national levels for the development of more efficient solutions of nutrition balanced in the limits of environmental carrying capacity”. Key driving nodes are discussed throughout this paper as a way of transformation into nutritional sustainability. This is relevant to Dietitians-Nutritionists in their practice as it relates to upcoming concepts in nutrition and sustainability.
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A 20-year retrospective review of global aquaculture (2021)
The authors provide an overview of the changes in global aquaculture from 1997 to 2017 through a review of relevant literature. Aquaculture refers to the practice of breeding, growing, and harvesting fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants.
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The Role of Healthy Diets in Environmentally Sustainable Food Systems (2020)
This paper compiles existing research to provide an ambitious review of four questions: i) how projections of global diet transitions translates into an increasing impact on human and environmental health; ii) how transitions to healthier diets can advance environmental targets; iii) how shifting to healthy diets might contribute to sustainable food systems in four dissimilar countries (using case studies); iv) steps that governments and business can take to advance sustainable and healthy diets.
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2023 May deadline: Frontiers: for healthier people & planet (Journal)
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems is an online resource that contains a multitude and variety of articles regarding topics around sustainability and nutrition. The website contains a section of peer-reviewed articles, as well as a section of “research topics” that allows individuals to contribute and participate to the topic. The contributions are then peer-reviewed by the Associate and Review Editors of the specialty section. “Frontiers’ philosophy is that all research is for the benefit of humankind. That is why Frontiers provides online free and open access to all of its research publications”.
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Grazed and Confused (2017)
This project was published in October 2017 and aimed to analyze the different perspectives of stakeholders on “grazing systems and their greenhouse gas emissions and evaluate them against the best available science”(FCRN). This report discusses aspects of sustainability including climate change and land in relation to “grass-fed” beef, both of which are relative to Dietitians-Nutritionists around the world. The authors provide “an authoritative and unbiased answer to the question: Is grass-fed beef good or bad for the climate?” (FCRN).
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WWF Consumer Meat Guides for the Baltic Region (2021)
WWF has published a set of consumer Meat Guides for Sweden, Finland and Germany that are tailored to the national markets and local biodiversity. They help consumers navigate how to make more nuanced decisions about eating meat that is more relevant to their local context than the simple global message to “eat less meat.”
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Climate Impacts of Cultured Meat and Beef Cattle (2019 Feb)
In addition to the results comparing the climate impacts of the two systems of meat production, this is of particular interest to Dietitians-Nutritionists who desire a deeper understanding of the differences that varying climate change metrics make on measuring the impacts of food production. The authors compare cultured meat and beef system emissions on climate change. Rather than using the typical warming impact measurement of carbon dioxide equivalent comparisons, they use an atmospheric modeling approach. Three different consumption scenarios are predicted up to 1000 years in the future.
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Comparative analysis of environmental impacts of agricultural production systems, agricultural input efficiency, and food choice (2017)
Relevant to most dietitian-nutritionists interested in food systems sustainability, this articles examines life cycle assessment studies to compare the environmental impacts* of different: agricultural production systems, agricultural input efficiencies, and foods. This includes (but is not limited to), an analysis of grass-fed and grain-fed beef; trawling and non-trawling fisheries; and greenhouse grown and field produce. Eighty-six % of the publications were from highly industrialized systems in Europe, North America, and Australia and New Zealand. Though authors support that plant-based foods have the lowest environmental impacts, the results illustrate that environmental impacts of agricultural production systems are different depending on which systems, food, and environmental indicators are examined.
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Meat alternatives: life cycle assessment of most known meat substitutes (2015)
Relevant to most dietitian-nutritionists trying to better understand the sustainability of meat alternatives, this article compares the environmental impacts of different meat substitutes. Multiple environmental impacts were measured, and assessed by weight (kilograms), energy (kilojoules) and protein (grams). The authors estimated impacts from the stage of raw resources to (including) consumer use.
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A social cost-benefit analysis of meat taxation and a fruit and vegetables subsidy for a healthy and sustainable food consumption in the Netherlands (2020 May)
This study uses a social cost-benefit analysis to estimate the impacts of three scenarios – a 15% and 30% tax on meat, and a 10% subsidy on fruit and vegetable consumption – for the year 2048 (30 years hence) in the Netherlands. This article is relevant to dietitian-nutritionists in most practice areas who have an interest in public policy options for shifting dietary patterns toward more sustainable.
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Sustainable food choices: Key lessons from Quality Schemes, Public Procurement and Short Supply Chains (MOOC)
In this Sustainable Food Choices MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), interested consumers and students are encouraged to “learn how your food choices can make a world of difference – not only for you and your family, but also for the environment, the local economy and the society at large.” The course has a focus on … Read more
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Millets prove tasty solution to climate and food security challenges (2021 May)
This article written by UN News promotes the 2023 International Year of Millets, and describes some of the high-levels reasons why millets have declined in human diets, and some of the reasons why millets should and are making a comeback. This article provides a good example of the intersection of traditional food cultures and ecological sustainability concepts.
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Reducing GHG emissions while improving diet quality: exploring the potential of reduced meat, cheese and alcoholic and soft drinks consumption at specific moments during the day (2018 Feb)
Based on dietary data from Dutch nationals with high GHGe diets, the study authors create scenarios to recommend potential changes that would result in lower GHGe. They suggest that their study is novel, as dietary changes are based on the specific time period with the greatest potential GHG emission reductions. For example, as it is known that the majority of meat consumption occurs at dinner time, recommendations to decrease consumption focus specifically on this time period. This article is relevant to Dietitian-Nutritionists interested in climate-friendly dietary guidance.
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Healthy diets can create environmental trade-offs, depending on how diet quality is measured (2020)
This article is of relevance to almost all Dietitian-Nutritionists, as it provides insight into the health vs. environment co-benefits and trade-offs dialogue. It integrates nutritional epidemiology and food system science methods to evaluate the relationship between diet quality and environmental sustainability, while also taking food loss and waste into account. This study is unique to previous studies in that it assesses individual, self-selected diet patterns (I.e., what people actually eat), instead of theoretical diets that follow specific dietary recommendations (e.g., national guidelines or vegetarian diets). Further, it examines environmental impacts beyond climate change.
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Sustainable diet policy development: implications of multi-criteria and other approaches, 2008–2017
An important paper for dietitian-nutritionists working on public health policy that supports sustainable diets, this paper explores examples of sustainability-integrated dietary guidelines. The authors argues that considerable international experience now exists on evidence-based sustainable dietary guidelines, allowing for an analysis of successful policy approaches.
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Views of health professionals on climate change and health: a multinational survey study (2021)
This study reports on findings from a multinational survey examining health professionals’ views of climate change as a human health issue. The study asked about health professionals’ views and engagement with the issue, and systematically characterized both the barriers to climate change advocacy perceived by health professionals, and resources that may address those barriers. The article is worth a ready by all Dietitians-Nutritionists working to address climate change, and in particular managers, educators, and those working within professional associations.
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Leveraging Online Learning to Promote Systems Thinking for Sustainable Food Systems Training in Dietetics Education (2021)
This article shares perspectives about how educators can use online learning to develop systems thinking for future food systems professionals. Included are links to training webinars (recordings) and teaching materials. This article is highly relevant to Dietitians-Nutritionists working in education settings.
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World Resources Report: The Shift Wheel: Changing Consumer Purchasing
This framework may be really helpful for those working on influencing dietary shifts at various levels. The WRI is based in the USA, but data is drawn from, and the outcomes applicable to the global context. WRI is transparent about their sources of data, and draws from a strong evidence base. The framework is relatively static, but the WRI Food website is continually updated.
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Cultivating Sustainable, Resilient, and Healthy Food and Water Systems: A Nutrition-Focused Framework for Action (2020 Jun)
This article describes a framework for action describing how Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) and Nutrition and Dietetics Technicians, Registered (NDTRs) can integrate work on sustainable food systems into their profession – individually, as a profession, and in collaboration with other sectors. It is relevant to Dietitians-nutritionists interested in a systems approach to integrating sustainability into their work.
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Limiting vs. diversifying patterns of recommendations for key protein sources emerging: a study on national food guides worldwide from a health and sustainability perspective
This study examined patterns of protein-related recommendations within food based dietary guidelines. They then explored how these patterns are related to specific contexts and social priorities of the countries. The authors propose that strong incorporation of sustainability principles into FBDG would help to legitimize the shift toward sustainable diets within society. They suggest that protein recommendations are a crucial component of shifting toward a sustainable diet,. This article is most relevant to Dietitians-Nutritionists working in policy development or research related to food based dietary guidelines.
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The Role of Public Health Nutrition in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the Asia Pacific Region
This article discusses the role of public health nutrition, including the role of Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2015-2030). The authors argue that Public Health Nutrition is crucial in achieving the SDGs, and have outlined how nutrition relates to each the 17 SDG goals. This article is highly relevan to public Health Dietitian-Nutritionists working in middle to low-income countries who are interested in deepening their understanding of the relationship of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to nutrition and dietetic practice.
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Association between sustainable dietary patterns and body weight, overweight, and obesity risk in the NutriNet-Santé prospective cohort
This study investigated the associations between sustainable dietary patterns and overweight and obesity in French adults. The results suggest that people who adopt highly sustainable dietary patterns sustainable diets may have a lower risk of weight gain, overweight, and obesity than those who do not adopt these behaviours. It is relevant to Dietitians-nutritionists working in community, clinical or food service settings.
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You Are What You Eat: The Relationship between Values and Organic Food Consumption
In this study, researchers examine the relationship between the number of organic foods consumed in relation to consumer values. It is relevant to Dietitians-Nutritionists interested in shifting client intake toward organic food.
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The Promotion of Sustainable Diets in the Healthcare System and Implications for Health Professionals: A Scoping Review (2021 Feb)
This study investigated the size and scope of literature, and the processes and roles related to sustainable diet promotion within health care systems. Twelve appropriate studies were identified, and the data was used to develop a framework of the key elements needed to advance the promotion of sustainable diets within health services. This article is relevant to Dietitians-Nutritionists in the health care and education sectors.
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The Role of Public Health Nutrition in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the Asia Pacific Region
This article discusses the role of public health nutrition, including the role of Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2015-2030). This was completed through a literature search and document review from WHO, UNICEF and FAO websites. Findings were reviewed and presented at the 49th APACPH Conference held in South Korea in 2017. Each of the 17 SDGs were examined to link their relationship to public health nutrition. This article is relevant to public health Dietitians-Nutritionists working in middle to low-income countries who are interested in deepening their understanding of the relationship of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to nutrition and dietetic practice.
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Enhancing Linkages Between Healthy Diets, Local Agriculture, and Sustainable Food Systems: The School Meals Planner Package in Ghana (2016)
This paper describes the development and adaptation of the School Meals Planner Package in Ghana. The package was developed by the Partnership for Child Development (PCD), based at Imperial College London and was piloted by the Ghana School Feeding Programme. It is relevant to Dietitians-Nutritionists working in school meal programs or other foodservice settings linking menus with local agriculture. Most relevant for low to middle income countries, particularly sub-Saharan Africa.
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The Environmental Impact of the Athlete’s Plate Nutrition Education Tool (2020)
The purpose of this study was to measure the environmental impact of the Athlete’s Plate (AP) and to evaluate the influence of meal type, training load, gender and registered dietitian (RD), as well as provide general recommendations to make the AP more environmentally sustainable. As protein recommendations for athletes are almost double of those for non-athletes, there is a concern that western, active populations consume protein and in particular meat in quantities beyond required amounts. It is releveant to Dietitians-Nutritionists working with athletes and/ or highly active people.
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Evidence Brief: The Environmental Impacts of Sustainable Diet Patterns
This evidence brief publish by Public Health Ontario analysis the question: ” What dietary patterns are associated with environmental benefits?”. This article discusses and compares the environmental impact of certain diets such as vegan, vegetarian, diets that reduce and replace animal products, diets considered ‘healthy’ and diet healthy dietary patterns. DIetitians-Nutritionists can use this evidence based brief to identify appropriate dietary recommendations based on the environmental impact and overall sustainability.
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Comparison of food recommendations varying in sustainability: Impact on dietary intake and motivation to follow recommendations (2020)
This Dutch intervention study compared compliance with dietary recommendations that were of equal nutritional value, where one group followed a standard healthy diet, and the other a more environmentally sustainable/ plant-based diet. Two groups of female participants were assigned randomly, and they followed the diet for three weeks. All recommendations were sent electronically, and results were self-reported; the study was not done in a clinical setting. Researchers also examined drivers of eating behavior across food categories. This research article is relevant to Dietitians-Nutritionists working in public health, community and clinical settings, particularly for those working with individuals and groups on dietary choices and change.
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Climate change and Indigenous Health Promotion (2019)
This commentary type article uses a Māori perspective to examine the relationships between climate change and Indigenous health, and proposes implications for health promotion. This article is relevant to public health Dietitians-Nutritionists working in any type of health promotion. While based on the perspectives of the Māori (the Indigenous people of Aotearoa/New Zealand), the ideas are relevant to all working in climate action.
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Plant-based meat substitutes in the flexitarian age: an audit of products on supermarket shelves (2019 Oct)
This research article explores an Australian study that compared plant-based meat substitutes that mimicked meat with equivalent meat products; it examined ingredients, nutrition information panel, health and nutrition claims, Health Star Rating (Australian), and any additional logos and endorsements. The study did not include traditional vegetarian meat alternatives such as such as tofu, tempeh, and falafel. This is relevant to public health Dietitians-Nutritionists working on government policy and Dietitians-Nutritionists in education and nutrition care.
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Integrating sustainable nutrition into health-related institutions: a systematic review of the literature (2020)
This systematic review of 20 studies identified factors that influence health professionals’ practice of integrating sustainable nutrition into their work. Most studies (70%) focused on dietitians and were conducted in “Western” countries; systematic reviews or position papers were not included. The terms “sustainable nutrition” and “sustainable diets” are used interchangeably in the study. It is relevant to Dietitians-Nutritionists working in health-related institutions.
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Indigenous voices and knowledge systems – promoting planetary health, health equity, and sustainable development for future generations (2019)
This research article explores the editorial comments on the collection of papers in the supplement issue of the Global Health Promotion Journal “Whenua Ora: Healthy Lands, Healthy Peoples” (2019). This is relevant for public health Dietitians-Nutritionists working in any type of health promotion and/or climate action.
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Sustainability: nutrition and dietetic students’ perceptions (2020)
This Australian study explored nutrition and dietetic undergraduate students’ self-reported views and actions related to sustainability, with a view to building a holistic curriculum that includes content and competencies required to address UN Sustainable Development Goals. This research article is relevant to dietetic and nutrition educators.
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Environmental Sustainability of Hospital Foodservices across the Food Supply Chain: A Systematic Review (2020 May)
This research article consists of a systematic review of 80 studies across the globe examined: environmental and associated economic impacts of foodservice; outcomes of strategies that aim to advance environmental sustainability; and perspectives of stakeholder – across the hospital supply chain. This article is relevant to Dietitians-Nutritionists working clinical, administrative or food-service roles in hospitals, particularly for those working on policy development or menu redesign for sustainability.
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Enseigner les systèmes alimentaires et la durabilité dans l’éducation nutritionnelle et la formation en diététique: leçons pour les éducateurs
Ceci est une compilation PDF de recherches et de plans de leçons expérientiels d’éducateurs en alimentation, nutrition et diététique aux États-Unis et au Canada. Il est destiné aux éducateurs qui enseignent des cours de niveau universitaire, encadrent des stagiaires en diététique ou supervisent des projets d’apprentissage par le service en nutrition et diététique pour les jeunes ou les adultes d’âge scolaire.
Répondre à la crise dans une ville d’Afrique du Sud: innovation communautaire pour des aliments nutritifs à l’époque du COVID-19
Nutrition Connect a créé un blog axé sur l’impact du COVID_19 sur une commune d’Afrique du Sud au niveau de la nutrition communautaire. Le blog aborde des sujets importants, notamment l’insécurité alimentaire, les populations vulnérables et l’impact du COVID-19 sur la quantité d’aliments nutritifs disponibles. Le blog traite des avantages et des inconvénients de trois approches communautaires innovantes qui impliquent des colis alimentaires, des bons et des cuisines communautaires.
Confiance alimentaire durable
Le Sustainable Food Trust est un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré basé au Royaume-Uni qui a pour vision de créer des systèmes alimentaires et agricoles qui «nourrissent la santé de la planète et de ses habitants». Leur site Web contient une collection d’articles pertinents, de films, de résumés de concepts clés, de ressources pour accéder et cuisiner des aliments sains et durables dans différentes régions du monde, et des podcasts sur les questions d’alimentation et de durabilité.
Navdanya: Réseau de gardiens de semences et de producteurs biologiques en Inde
Navdanya est un réseau de gardiens de semences et de producteurs biologiques répartis dans 22 États de l’Inde. Navdanya a aidé à mettre en place 122 banques de semences communautaires à travers le pays, formé plus de 9,00 000 agriculteurs à la souveraineté semencière, à la souveraineté alimentaire et à l’agriculture durable au cours des deux dernières décennies, et a aidé à mettre en place le plus grand réseau biologique de marketing direct et de commerce équitable du pays. Navdanya a également mis en place un centre d’apprentissage, Bija Vidyapeeth, sur sa conservation de la biodiversité et sa ferme biologique à Doon Valley, Uttarakhand, au nord de l’Inde. Navdanya est activement impliquée dans le rajeunissement des connaissances et de la culture autochtones.
Rapport Eat Lancet: Une alimentation saine grâce à des systèmes alimentaires durables
Ce rapport est un résumé des recommandations formulées par la Commission Eat Lancet concernant “les objectifs scientifiques mondiaux pour une alimentation saine et une production alimentaire durable”. Il identifie des quantités cibles de divers aliments pour optimiser les avantages pour la santé et la durabilité ainsi que diverses stratégies pour effectuer ces changements alimentaires. Il s’adresse aux individus à tous les niveaux du système alimentaire, des mangeurs aux professionnels de la santé.
What is a Circular Economy?
This resource discusses the topic of circular economy and how it can have a positive impact on the environment, economy and society by “imitating nature”. This webpage consists of 10 principles of circular economy that explain how it should function and the benefits that stem from it. A quick, short video aims to help simplify this concept in a visual way. This resource is available in English and Spanish.
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Systemic Solutions for Healthy Food Systems: A Guide to Government Action
The Global Alliance for the Future of Food developed this guide that describes 14 recommendations around policies and practices that bring together the “interconnectedness of food systems”. These recommendations revolve around the human health crisis, the animal health crisis and the ecological health crisis. The guidelines also acknowledge the key components of human health, determinants of human health and ecological and animal health conditions and how they contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Each of the 14 recommendations includes a case study that reflects the policy into action and represents multiple communities and organizations from around the world.
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The Food Sustainability Index (FSI) as an Educational Tool (2016)
Food systems are at the heart of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Food Sustainability Index (FSI), now in its fourth iteration, has been developed by Economist Impact with the support of the Fondazione Barilla. The FSI examines how food systems are performing across three pillars: food loss and waste, sustainable agriculture, and … Read more
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Food Sustainability Index (2016)
The Food Sustainability Index (FSI) was created by the BCFN Foundation and the Economist Intelligence Unit to promote knowledge of food sustainability. “The Food Sustainability Index is a global study on nutrition, sustainable agriculture and food waste which collects data from 67 countries across the world to highlight best practices and key areas for improvement in relation to the food paradoxes and the main Sustainable Development Goals”. The FSI includes infographics, digital hubs and a briefing paper as additional resources. This resource strives to allow comparisons between countries and food systems and how multiple stakeholders can contribute to not only sustainable food systems but the sustainable development goals.
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WABA World Breastfeeding Week
The world breast feeding week 2020 has made it their objective to educate, engage and inform individuals about the links between breastfeeding and climate change and how breastfeeding can be a climate-smart decision. This resource includes information, actions, and additional resources that allows the reader, including Dietitians-Nutritionists, to incorporate more sustainable aspects, in terms of the environment, into breastfeeding. The action report for this resource is available in 12 different languages, including: French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese and more.
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UNICEF and the Sustainable Development Goals
This resource explains the importance of the relationship between child rights and each of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This website encourages partnerships with other organizations, partners and UN agencies to help achieve these goals. The goals also integrate aspects of environmental and social sustainability and describe how child rights can also be integrated into their respected outcomes. With additional reports, stories and research, this resource gives the audience, including Dietitians-Nutritionists the opportunity to explore how they can make a personal impact. This resource is available in French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese.
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Sustainability Illustrated
Sustainability Illustrated shares free, short videos that explain key concepts in sustainability. They are created by Alexandre Magnin, a sustainability consultant and based on the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, used by The Natural Step. These videos are helpful to convey foundational ideas such as “what is sustainability?” and are helpful for both personal knowledge development and educating others. May we suggest, as a starting point, the following short videos to start: 1) Sustainability Explained with Natural Science, 2) Four Root Causes of Unsustainability, 3) Social Sustainability, 4) Sustainability is Like Playing Football, 5) Triple Bottom Line.
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Sustainable Food Systems: Dietitians’ Roles (2020, Dietitians of Canada)
The Role of Dietitians in Sustainable Food Systems and Sustainable Diets uses a systems and a Planetary Health perspective to outline key roles for dietitians in Canada to contribute to sustainable food systems and diets. Examples of actions and activities are given. A reference section is included that provides an foundational level of knowledge for … Read more
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Sustainable Food Trust
The Sustainable Food Trust is a UK-based registered charity with the vision to create food and farming systems that “nourish the health of the planet and its people.” Their website contains a collection of relevant articles, films, summaries of key concepts, resources for accessing and cooking healthy and sustainable foods in different parts of the world, and podcasts on food and sustainability issues.
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Sustainable Table (Website)
This webpage is a rich source of tools, resources, and information regarding sustainable and ethical eating patterns and habits at various levels of the food system. Tools range from shopping guides, to food pyramids, to downloadable resources that support a sustainable food system.
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Take a Bite out of Climate Change (website)
“The Take a Bite out of Climate Change (TakeABiteCC) project [aims] to share widely the scientific consensus about how food and agriculture contribute to climate change. We try to provide easily accessible information and fun activities, and help citizens understand how they can help.”
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Teaching Food Systems and Sustainability in Nutrition Education and Dietetic Training: Lessons for Educators (2013)
This is a PDF compilation of research and experiential lesson plans from food, nutrition and dietetic educators in the US and Canada. It is intended for educators who teach university level courses, mentor dietetic interns or supervise service learning projects in nutrition and dietetics for school-age youth or adults. This is compilation of lesson plans … Read more
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The Environmental Food Crisis
The report summaries how climate change, water stress, invasive pests and land degradation may impact world food security, food prices and life on the planet. It also provides seven recommendations on how we may be able to feed the world in a more sustainable manner.
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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The IPCC helps to determine the state of knowledge of climate change. They create reports based around options for reducing the rate of climate change that are “neutral, policy-relevant but not policy-prescriptive”. There are recent food-system related reports relevant to sustainable food policy decisions. Available in English, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, and Chinese.
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Think & Eat Green at School
Think & Eat Green@School (TEGS) project has been working to improve food literacy amongst school-age children in the Vancouver School District since 2010. Their website offers a collection of downloadable resources including articles, case studies and videos intended to help educators in the North American context connect youth with food, nutrition and sustainability.
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Tips to Reduce Foodwaste (2021)
This resource was created by Nutrition Australia as a quick guide to reducing food waste at the consumer level through purchasing, storing, packaging, and preparation.
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United Nations Climate Change: e-learn courses
The United Nations Climate Change e-learn platform is a valuable resource for those looking to deepen their knowledge around specific sustainability and nutrition topics. The platform offers two dozen web-based courses that are self paced. Some are offered in Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Thai, Khmer and Arabic in addition to English and relevant topics include Sustainable Diet, Human Health and Climate Change, Gender and Environment, and Introduction to Sustainable Finance.
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World Resources Report: Creating a Sustainable Food Future
The World Resource Institute has created an online synthesis report that reflects a variety of options to “achieve a sustainable food future by meeting the growing demands for food, avoiding deforestation, and reforesting or restoring abandoned and unproductive land—and in ways that help stabilize the climate, promote economic development, and reduce poverty”. Their report also contains five detailed courses of action that “focus on technical opportunities and policies for cost-effective scenarios for meeting food, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions goals in 2050”.
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Youth Food Movement (YFM): Australia (2019-2021)
The youth food movement is a volunteer-based organization that aims to empower youth and young adults in nutrition and food. They believe in building a strong community with not only Australia, but with countries all over the world so they can learn from one another. Their projects are based around giving youth the voice, skills, … Read more
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The Mexican Dietary and Physical Activity Guidelines: Moving Public Nutrition Forward in a Globalized World
This article contains a study based around the development and assessment of the Mexican food-based dietary and physical activity guidelines. These guidelines are designed to “go beyond” just promoting healthy and varied diet in fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc. but also include the social aspects of nutrition including eating with family and friends. Through these guidelines, individuals are indirectly having a positive effect on the enviornment due to the decrease in consumption of highly-processed foods.
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Marine Stewardship Council (website)
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is a third-party certification for sustainable seafood that assesses population health, impact on marine environment and management of fisheries around the world. MSC’s blue-fish label is intended to help eaters identify sustainable seafood. Their website offers information on the certification process as well as recipes, food guides, educational materials and support for supply chain actors about sustainable seafood in 18 languages.
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Navdanya: Network of Seed Keepers and Organic Producers in India
Navdanya is a network of seed keepers and organic producers spread across 22 states in India. Navdanya has helped set up 122 community seed banks across the country, trained over 9,00,000 farmers in seed sovereignty, food sovereignty and sustainable agriculture over the past two decades, and helped setup the largest direct marketing, fair trade organic network in the country. Navdanya has also set up a learning center, Bija Vidyapeeth on its biodiversity conservation and organic farm in Doon Valley, Uttarakhand, North India. Navdanya is actively involved in the rejuvenation of indigenous knowledge and culture.
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Nourishing Australia: A decadal plan for the science of nutrition. Realising health, environmental and economic opportunities to benefit all Australians (2019)
Nourishing Australia is a decadal plan for the science of nutrition that aims to reduce the presence of the double burden of malnutrition in Australia through the use of a sustainable food system. This article emphasizes the relationship between nutrition and health, while identifying potential targets to reach in the food system to reduce the double burden while also helping the environment.
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Nutrition and Food Systems: A report by The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (2017)
The purpose of this report, created by the HLPE, was to “analyze how food systems influence people’s dietary patterns and nutritional outcomes”. The report also recommends programs and policies that are effective in having the “potential to shape food systems, contribute to improved nutrition and ensure that food is produced, distributed and consumed in a sustainable manner that protects the right to adequate food for all”. These findings are shown through various case studies throughout the report. Available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.
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One Blue Dot: Eating Patterns for Healthy and Sustainability: A Reference Guide for Dietitians (2020 Aug)
This web-based toolkit offers a series of downloadable PDF resources outlining healthy eating patterns and sustainable diets in the European context. This includes evidence summaries, infographics, PowerPoint slides and meal swap ideas. Developed by the Association of UK Dieticians, it is intended for use by dieticians and nutritionists and clearly identifies ways that they can promote healthy and sustainable eating habits and diets, shift institutional practices and inform policy changes for a more sustainable food system.
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Organics & Millets e-Platform
This is an e-platform run by the state government of Karnataka in Southern India to provide information and resources on organic standards and production and promote millet consumption and production.
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Paniers des Menages
This article by Fédération Romande des Consommateurs reflects the price comparison of six different diets in Switzerland. This article also explains the economic benefit of following a more sustainable diet. This resource was made by a consumer association in Switzerland, and is only available in French.
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Sustainable Diets and the Environment by Practice-Based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN)(2021 update, paid access)
Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN) is only available to paid members. PEN is a global resource that targets several member countries, but resources may be more broadly relevant. The PEN System was developed by Dietitians of Canada, with input from thought leaders in dietetic practice, knowledge translation and technology. It is managed by a collaborative … Read more
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Preparing the health sector for the global climate emergency
This articles describes cross-disciplinary efforts at Monash University (Australia) to educate health professionals to contribute the reductions in climate change. It draws links to the Eat Lancet report and its importance in acknowledging the impacts of climate change on the food system, outlines “10 ways hospitals can become more climate-friendly” and describes and links to research centres at Monash is focused on healthcare and environmental sustainability.
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Purchasing Power: 10 Lessons on Getting More Local, Sustainable, and Delicious Food in Schools, Hospitals and Campuses (2017)
Purchasing Power 101 is a report on lessons learnt from 8 projects funded by the J.W. McConnell Foundation to bring more local and sustainable food into hospital, school and campus institutional kitchens.
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Rethinking Biodiversity Strategies (2010)
Rethinking Biodiversity Strategies is an evidence-based review for use in informing policy decisions. It is a static resource from 2010 and looks at biodiversity loss globally. Strengths and limitations of studies used as evidence are clearly identified. This report conducted by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in 2010 examines and compares eight strategies for reducing … Read more
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Role of Dietitians in Food Sustainability: Position of the Italian Association of Dietitians (ANDID)
This position paper by the Italian Association of Dieticians outlines the specific responsibilities of dieticians in working towards sustainable food systems. It is intended to stimulate critical thinking and promote “sustainability-responsible practices” amongst dieticians. It is a useful example of policy language that can be used to embed sustainability in nutrition and dietetics work.
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Small Producers Organization (SPP)(Website)
The is the official website of the Small Producer Symbol (SPP) fair trade certification. It has content relevant to producers, businesses and consumers. It articulates the standards of and principles behind the certification as well as producer details and stories. It is accessible in Spanish, English and French.
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Sri Lanka: Guidelines for a Healthy Canteen in Work Places
These dietary guidelines were published by the Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka in collaboration with the WHO in 2013. They are intended for those running and eating in canteens in Sri Lanka and may be relevant to those interested in centring traditional, whole foods in institutional menus.
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Sri Lanka: Guidelines for a Healthy Canteen in Work Places (SINHALA VERSION)
This is a static resource published in 2013. It offers an industrializing nation perspective on dietary guidelines. These guidelines do not explicitly identify sustainability as a principle but centre traditional, local, seasonal, whole foods that can have sustainability as well as health benefits.
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Nutrition Connect
This blog series was created in order to “shine a light on the threats and opportunities for nutrition and food systems”. Some topics covered throughout this series include “COVID-19 implications of seafood and nutrition”, “How COVID-19 is changing the livelihoods and diets of vegetable producers in India” and many more. The various blogs cover topics surrounding local and global issues, and issues ranging from community to public health to areas of further research surrounding nutrition.
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Organic Farming Association of India
This organization aims to “promote nature-friendly, scientific, farming systems and practices that are economically viable, energy efficient, climate friendly and oriented towards the conservation of the environment and the empowerment of rural communities, building upon indigenous and traditional knowledge, skills and practices”. This resource targets multiple aspects of environmental and social sustainability that Dietitians-Nutritionists can use to help learn more about these complex topics, as well as use this information in their own practice.
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Save Food Share Food Share Joy
The Save Food Share Food Share Joy (IFSA) “is an initiative of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India and Food Sharing Networks across India who come together to reduce food waste and hunger and to feed the needy and hungry with surplus food through structured systems”. It contains key objectives revolving around promoting food donations, encouraging businesses to donate, raising awareness of food waste and food loss and provide policies and programs that support reduction in food waste and food loss.
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Smart Food Initiative (website)
This initiative was created in hopes to create a world where the food you eat is healthy, sustainable, and good for those who produce it. “Smart Food is one of the solutions that contributes to addressing some of the largest global issues in unison: poor diets (malnutrition to obesity); environmental issues (climate change, water scarcity and environmental degradation); and rural poverty”. It aligns with the global targets of Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 13, 5, 12, and 17.
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Fler gör Mer: Handlingsplan för minskat matsvinn 2030 [Swedish Action Plan for Reducing Food Waste]
English summary below.
Fler Gör Mer lägger ut en national handlingsplan för minskat matsvinn. Det är ett samarbete mellan Livsmedelsverket, Jordbruksverket och Naturvårdsverket, och sammanfattar kollectiva och individuella åtgärder som olika aktörer kan bidra.
This document lays out a national action plan for food waste reduction. It was produced through a collaboration between government agencies for food, agriculture and environment, and summarizes collective and individual actions that various actors can contribute.
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TABLE (website)
This is a dynamic collection of open-sourced resources that is regularly updated and expanded. Created by a collaboration between the University of Oxford, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and Wageningen University and Research (WUR), it is grounded in robust, academic research. Supporters and funders of the project and contributors to specific resources are … Read more
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Food First NL
Food First NL is a non-profit organization that has been working for over 20 years to ensure that “everyone has access to affordable, healthy and culturally-appropriate food”. Their website outlines their wide range of food-related community initiatives including healthy corner stores, senior food skills program, institutional food work, food security programs and the St. John’s Food Policy Council. This resource offers a wealth of inspiring stories and practical guidelines for those interested in community-based SFS and nutrition work.
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Food Systems Academy (website)
This website includes a series of videos and recorded lectures on various food systems related topics. The website is intended to “help you increase your understanding of our food systems. The contributors explore where our food systems came from, how they change, what the challenges are and how to meet them. Topics covered include biology for peace, business lobbying, farming, feeding cities, food regimes, gender, food and human security, future control of food, intellectual property, nutrition, poverty, public health, seeds, sustainable diets, right to food, thriving people, and transforming food systems.” It is curated by Geoff Tansey.
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Food Systems and Environmental Sustainability Role Statement (2021)
The Food and Environment Interest Group of the Dietetic Association of Australia has created a role statement to identify the many key roles a dietitian plays within the topic of environmental sustainability and food systems. This role statement defines the potential roles of dietitians, their broad area of knowledge, and “advocates for dietetic services” in a food system around environmental sustainability.
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Food Systems Dashboard (2020)
The Food Systems Dashboard combines data from multiple sources to give users a complete view of food systems. Users can compare components of food systems across countries and regions. They can also identify and prioritize ways to sustainably improve diets and nutrition in their food systems. In recent years, the public health and nutrition communities have used dashboards to track the progress of health goals and interventions, including the Sustainable Development Goals. It is intended for a variety of actors including policy makers and analysts, researchers, and students.
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FoodPrint (website)
FoodPrint is a web-based resource that helps eaters understand what “it takes to get food from the farm to your plate.” It contains numerous resources based around both environmental and social sustainability topics and how nutrition plays a role in each.
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FOODprints by Swiss Society of Nutrition (website)
FOODprints is a tool that contains multiple resources that are based around eating a more healthy and sustainable diet. Some documents within this resources are made for the Swiss population and also for nutrition professionals. There are 6 comics stories about sustainable and healthy diets: “trade-offs and synergies in English, German, French and Italian”.
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Foresight – La démarche prospective
The World Food System Center of EPF Zurich has conducted a study to “highlight and assess the Swiss food system”, and identify the consequences for the future of the food system in Switzerland. Using this Information about the food production system in Switzerland at global, national and local levels, they consider ways “for developing Swiss agricultural research and ensuring that its results can contribute to a sustainable Swiss food system”. Available in French, German, and Italian.
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Fourchette verte, le label de l’alimentation équilibrée
Fourchette Verte is a project with a Swiss nutritional label used to help individuals identify healthy and sustainable food options in restaurants, as well as establishments that serve food to children and adolescents for sustainable eating. The label is created based on the Swiss food pyramid and is supported by registered dietitians. This resource is available in French, Italian, and German.
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Global Nutrition Report (annual)
The Global Nutrition Report is a web-based, data-led assessment of progress towards and challenges in ending global malnutrition. It is produced annually by a stakeholder group consisting of government, donor organizations, civil society, multilateral organizations and business sector representatives. Country-level nutrition profiles and data as well as region-specific resources to help dieticians advocate for better nutrition outcomes through changes in policy and practice are available.
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Grow, Eat, Learn: A School Food Garden Program
Grow, Eat, Learn is a program of Nourish Nova Scotia, a non-governmental organization committed to equipping students with the skills to understand “what nourishment means to the body, what local farmers mean to the economy and how to connect the dots between farm and table.” The website contains resources, best practice guidelines, and opportunities for peer sharing amongst schools running food gardens in Nova Scotia, Canada. Many of the resources may be relevant to those interested in the potential of school gardens to support health and sustainability in similar socio-cultural contexts.
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Handbok för Minskat Matsvinn [Swedish Handbook for Reduced Food Waste]
English summary below.
De offentliga måltidsverksamheterna har en viktig roll i svinnarbetet, och kan vara goda förebilder för sina matgäster. Livsmedelsverket tagit fram den här handboken för att stödja dem. Den bygger på den så kallade Göteborgsmodellen för mindre matsvinn, som har visat sig vara en fungerande modell där verksamheterna har lyckats halvera sitt matsvinn. I handboken finns avsnitt om tallrikssvinn, konsumtionsmätning och Livsmedelsverkets nationella mätmetod för matsvinnsmätning.
The public sector plays an important role in food waste reduction, and as a role model for consumers. This handbook (currently only available in Swedish) builds on a successful model in Gothenberg, and includes educational chapters that food waste at different points in the food service chain, as well as national measurement method for tracking.
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Little Green Thumbs
Little Green Thumbs is web-based program created by Agriculture in the Classroom and funded by industry partners. It is intended for Canadian teachers to implement a ‘garden-in-a-box’ into their classroom for students to learn the skills and value of growing and consuming nutritious food.
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Local Harvest
Local Harvest is a web-based directory of over 40,000 family farms, farmers’ markets and other locations to access local, sustainable food in North America created to connect “people looking for good food to farmers who produce it.”
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Food Guidance of the Secretary of Health
This resource supports the consumption of a more highly nutritious diet that meets the needs of individuals based on a variety of factors such as age, gender, physical activity etc. The promotion of a plant-based diet helps make a positive impact on environmental sustainability and social sustainability.
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GPP Good Practice
This resource includes various tools and external links surrounding environmental and social sustainability in unique areas such as buildings, office supplies, transport, furniture, food and catering services, etc. This resource allows for a deeper look at the small and big impact not only nutrition can have on sustainability, but also how Dietitians-Nutritionists can have on other aspects of a workplace.
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Jamaica Island Nutrition Network
This website contains valuable information around targeting the nutritional knowledge of students, institutions, and the general population. The main concern that this network targets is the “accuracy and currency of nutrition information that reaches the public and that impact the nutrition of students, both inside and outside the classroom”. This network works by collaborating with “teachers, nutrition advocates and strategic partners” in order to increase the amount of nutrition knowledge in the public including processes for sustainability.
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Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (2010)
This alliance is a farmer-led organization that is continuously working towards a food system where they have control over their food. The goal of this alliance is to “create an equitable, sustainable and resilient food system for all Australians”. This is a good source for learning about food sovereignty and producers’ perspectives.
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Cardinia’s community food strategy
The community food strategy set in Cardinia “outlines the community’s vision for a healthy, sustainable, delicious and fair local food system” alongside a detailed strategy of actions and roles. With support and contribution from council, partner organizations and residents of the community, the strategy revolves around five main community food strategies to achieve this vision. This could provide a useful example for nutrition and dietetics professionals engaged in local food policy work.
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Class Central: 100+ Free Online Courses Around the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (2019)
Class Central is an online database of free online courses run by a small company with a mission to make education accessible. This listing contains 100+ courses relating to the UN SDGs, several of which are of direct relevance to health and sustainability topics such as organic farming, sustainable livestock management, post-harvest loss prevention, feeding the planet, etc. Details vary by course but most run for 4-8 weeks and have instructors who provide feedback. Some are not accessible from all geographic regions and payment is required to receive an official certification. See the Professional Development section of the Toolkit to access a short list of the courses we suggest are most relevant to nutrition and dietetics professionals interested in sustainable food systems.
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Climate Change and Food Systems (2012)
Climate Change and Food Systems is a critical overview of the relationship between food systems and climate change published in the journal Annual Review of Environment and Resources in 2012. It highlights the distribution of climate-related impacts on food security across the globe and identifies opportunities and challenges for mitigation and adaptation.
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Climate change and variability: What are the risks for nutrition, diets, and food systems? (2017)
This report provides a thorough and systematic update on how climate change, and climate disruption, are impacting nutrition and food systems outcomes, and vice versa. It is a discussion paper of the International Food Policy Research Institute. The report provides climate-smart, nutrition-sensitive interventions at many places in the value system, with a specific focus on how they will improve food security and nutrition outcomes for the most vulnerable populations globally — low-income, rural food producers. It is an excellent document for those who would like to gain a sophisticated understanding of the climate-nutrition relationship, in particular those who work with low-income, rural food producers, or are concerned with how their food and dietary policies are impacting this population at a global scale.
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Climate Change: Unpacking the Burden on Food Safety
This report examines the evidence for the impact of climate on food safety, which receives much less attention than food production. It includes a summary of the evidence and issues for: foodborne pathogens, parasites, algal blooms, heavy metals, pesticides, micotoxins, etc. As such it is an excellent reference document for those working in food supply chains (industry, food service, etc.) and food services, who are engaged in policies and protocol development. It has particular relevance to those working with clients with compromised health status (food service in hospital or long term care).
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Coming to Grips with Food Waste (2018)
This article provides a high-level description of the impact of food waste at the hospital foodservice level and its impact on the environment. It is a good example for those interested in institutional food waste reduction policy and programming. The author describes a program adopted (the Recycle Food Project) by the Royal Children’s hospital to minimise food waste through recycling “unserved shelf-stable foods and cutlery … back into the kitchen and used first at subsequent meal times”. The article includes an interactive component that allows individuals to understand how much food waste is produced, but is limited to Australia.
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Dietary Change Scenarios and Implications for Environmental, Nutrition, Human Health and Economic Dimensions of Food Sustainability
This article discusses a study that identifies the impact of nine varying diet scenarios on economic and environmental sustainability, as well as the implications on human health. This study uses a multi-indicator analysis to help create a more thorough and accurate understanding of the results, and therefore more specific implications.
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Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population 2014
The Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian population, available in Spanish, Portuguese and English, encompass biological, social, cultural, economic and political aspects of healthy diets and sustainability. They highlight the rapid changes in dietary patterns and food systems being experienced by ‘economically emerging countries’ and offer guidance on healthy dietary patterns. It has been celebrated for its principle-based and holistic approach. Many of the principles align with sustainable dietary advice.
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EAT-Lancet Report: Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems (2019, 2024)
This report is a summary of the recommendations made by the Eat Lancet Commission regarding “global scientific targets for healthy diets and sustainable food production”. It identifies target quantities of various foods to optimize health and sustainability benefits along with various strategies for making these dietary shifts. It is intended for individuals at all levels of the food system from eaters to health professionals.
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Environmental Sustainability of Hospital Foodservices across the Food Supply Chain: A Systematic Review (2020 May)
This journal article is a review of sustainability practices across the food supply chain in hospital food services in multiple countries. It analyzes the role nutrition professionals and dietitians play in implementing sustainability practices in clinical institutional foodservice settings. Access to the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is required to read the full article. Reference: Carino, S., Porter, J., Malekpour, S., & Collins, J. (2020). Environmental Sustainability of Hospital Foodservices across the food supply chain: A systematic review. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. DOI:
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Feeding 9 Billion
This online resource, hosted by University of Guelf in Canada, is a useful resource for learning about the complexity of food security and how sustainability relates to food systems. There are a number of free resources on this site, including introductory videos, a downloadable card game, a food crisis graphic novel, and an audiodrama. More interesting resources are coming online soon! This resource would be useful for dietitians in a variety of roles, and likely most useful for people engaged in educational activities.
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Find your Way Guide
Find Your Way is a food guide created by the Swedish Food Agency, Livsmedelsverket, to help Swedish citizens develop good dietary habits that benefit both human and environmental health. It emphasizes a holistic approach to food that is both sustainable and nutritious along with lifestyle choices for good health.
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Eat Right During COVID-19
The Eat Right During COVID-19 book resource contains information on how to practice proper food safety, hygiene, and nutrition guidelines that are sustainable and attainable during the COVID-19 pandemic. “It also includes tips on personal and surrounding hygiene, nutrition tips, SOPs of food service establishments as well as community kitchens”. In addition, the book touches on some common myths and enlightens the truth behind them.
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Eco-smart food choices
This web-based resource providence guidance and additional resources surround the environmental impact of food and how individuals can make smarter, more sustainable choices with food. Specifically, “how to reduce the negative effects on the environment”.
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European Dietetic Action Plan (2015-2020)
This action plan focuses on using the expertise, skills, and knowledge from dietitians to help promote, educate, and support sustainable, healthy living through nutrition. The objectives of the action plan revolve around investing in dietitians at a national, organization or local level to help increase collaboration amongst stakeholders at the community and clinical levels to support a more sustainable lifestyle.
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Tag Legend
A Dietitian-Nutritionist is a professional who applies the science of food and nutrition to promote health, prevent and treat disease to optimise the health of individuals, groups, communities and populations. Roles and activities vary by country, and personal interpretation. We have tried to create categories that are practical globally. These definitions and role divisions may not match the standard in your country.
Role: your overarching practice area
- Administration: Managing organizations or departments; leadership roles
- Community: Supporting community-based organizations such as sports and recreation, schools, non-profits, and in people’s homes to provide
- Dietetic Educator: Supporting nutrition and dietetic training in undergraduate, post-graduate, or internship/practicum settings
- Food Service: Planning nutritious menus and meals for groups that are prepared and delivered safely
- Nutrition Care: Assessing and recommending dietary plans for individuals
- Public Health: Assessing the needs of population groups and promoting health
- Research: Planning and directing research that increases knowledge in the field
Activity: your main activities or knowledge needs
- Education: Support for educating others about sustainable food systems
- Menu change: Suggestions for more sustainable foods, substitutes, and/or diets
- Personal Knowledge Development: Add, modify, or develop a new understanding around sustainable practices and a nutrition professional’s role within a sustainable food system
- Policy development: Develop new or change current policies, practices, or protocols supporting sustainable food systems
- Programming: Modify or create new programs or initiatives to introduce sustainable practice that have a positive effect on the food system
Geographic Region: where in the world you practice
- Africa
- America North: USA & Canada
- America South: including Latin America and the Caribbean
- Asia
- Europe
- Global: Perspective relevant to all regions
- Oceania: Australia; New Zealand; Melanesia; Micronesia; Polynesia, etc.
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