Understanding How and Why People Make Food Choices in LMIC for Promotion of Sustainable Healthy Diets

with The Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy

The Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy is hosting a four part webinar series entitled “Drivers of food choice in low and middle-income countries: a synthesis of evidence”. Part one of this series is presented by Helen Walls, Mirriam Matita, Sigrid Wetheim-Heck and Christine Blake and moderated by Edward A Frongillo who will discuss three key topics. The topics include: Key Learnings from the Drivers of Food Choice Program (UofSC), Insights from Malawi : Household participation in food markets (LSHTM/LUANAR), and Insights from Vietnam: Modernization of the food retail environment (WUR/BI). This series will examine and articulate important issues and questions surrounding “policy, practice, and research at the nexus of food environments, nutrition, and health”. Click here to register and take advantage of this opportunity with experts in this field.
