with ICLEI

Several African Food Systems labs have been held that are useful for D-Ns, for any questions, email Ryan Fisher at ryan.fisher@iclei.org or Ivan Pauw at ivan.pauw@iclei.org. The labs are based on project held in three African Nations: Senegal in Dakar, Bambilor, Kaffrine and Koungheul; Kenya in Kisumu, Nairobi, Nakuru and Mombasa; and South Africa in Western Cape (Cape Town), Gauteng (Johannesburg) and KwaZulu-Natal (Durban). The project activities spanning 2022 include: Convening dialogues in African cities and Latin American cities; Promoting the Urban Food Systems Lab in selected countries as a follow up of the food systems dialogues that took place in 202; and Hosting city-to-city exchanges between African cities and Latin American cities. The labs highlighted the need for greater coordination between different levels and departments of government for strengthening the participation and agency of local governments in policy design and implementations. They aimed to develop concrete strategic actions for streamlining multi-level food systems governance and elevating the role of local and provincial governments in developing more inclusive, sustainable and resilient food systems. The sessions explored the potential role of existing policy frameworks, such as the District Development Model, in elevating sustainable local food systems as well as questions around where mandates, roles and responsibilities lie in this regard. Representatives from local and provincial governments across were given the opportunity to communicate the type of engagement they need from the national government and the types of governance structures that will be conducive to developing more sustainable food systems in their constituencies.
FREE - Recorded