with SNEB

The Society for Nutrition Education and Behaviour (SNEB) has hosted several webinars related to Sustainability that you can find in their recorded webinar list by searching for ‘sustainability’. We attach the slides below with permission from SNEB. If you would like to also collaborate with ICDA SFS to do a webinar, we are happy to discuss it, just contact the ICDA SFS coordinator.
2022 April: SNEB and Food Sustainability: Back to the Future (external link to SNEB website) Joan Dye Gussow, PhD and Lesel Carlsson, PDT, PhD, with moderator Diane Smith, MA, RD from Division of Sustainable Food Systems. Provides a basic overview of sustainable food systems and diets for practice within the field of nutrition education. The slides can be downloaded freely here: 2022.04.05-SNEB-and-Food-Sustainability-1
2022 June: SNEB and Food Sustainability, Part 2: A Deeper Dive into the ICDA Sustainable Food Systems Toolkit (external link to SNEB website) A 90-minute presentation and discussion with #ICDAsfsToolkit Regional Contacts Marie Spiker from the U.S.A, and Roshan Delabandara from Sri Lanka discussing how they have used the toolkit in their work. The slides can be downloaded here: 2022.06.07-Sustainability-Toolkit-Deeper-Dive-ICDA-SNEB-DSFS-DINE-final-small
Free slides. Recording is 25 dollars for non-SNEB members, Free for SNEB members