Pollinator Partnership Webinars (many)

with Pollinator Partnership

Location of Pollinator Week Activities (green pins)

Pollinator Partnership series of webinars and workshops are from North America, but lessons that can be applied with your own species the world over. Pollinators and optimal human nutrition go hand in hand and this series of webinars is for Dietitians and Nutritionists (D-Ns) who are ready to take action to heal the environment at homes, with communities, schools, hospitals, food banks, or just about any role you have. The overarching goal of this workshop series is to increase the success of native habitat restoration and management efforts by offering evidence based guidance on current best management practices and practical solutions to ‘real-world’ habitat management obstacles.

Pollinator Partnership‘s mission is to promote the health of pollinators, critical to food and ecosystems, through conservation, education, and research. If you want more background on the link between nutrition and pollination, see Pollinator Power: Nutrition Security Benefits of an Ecosystem Service (2015 Aug).  For more ideas, the #ICDAsfsToolkit also has some other pollinator resources in the database useful to D-Ns.

They have international programmes under their International Commission for Plant-Pollinator Relationships and a clever acronym that aligns well with cross-pollination: S.H.A.R.E. (Simply Have Areas Reserved for the Environment).  But, as you can see by the featured image, annual ‘Pollinator Week’ activities in June are North-America Centric.

Could D-Ns help get the rest of the world on the map?

free & recorded for the most part