🌍 Global Networking Event on Sustainable Food Systems in Nutrition & Dietetics Education (2023 Jun 7-8)

with UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy & Sports Science

The 🌍 Global Networking Event on SFS in Nutrition & Dietetics Education was held at University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland 🇮🇪 from 7–8 June 2023. The primary aim of the event was to build partnerships for developing excellence in SFS education within nutrition and dietetics programmes internationally.

The event had over 50 participants from 11 countries including educators, trainers, nutrition & dietetics associations & others involved in education/ training/ professional development. We learned about innovative initiatives, shared experiences and practices, and built relationships for future collaborations and education. The 2-day programme was held at UCD with a field trip and event dinner at Airfield Farm Estate.  

Outcomes and recommendations from roundtable discussions were broad and pointed to the need for ongoing sharing and collaboration for SFS definitions, curriculum frameworks to guide content and assessment, interdisciplinary teaching and learning, baseline competencies in SFS for dietetic graduates, and opportunities for practical SFS training.

It is anticipated that the outcomes of the June 2023 event will stimulate further discussion on SFS in dietetics and lead to educational resources and supports co-developed between now and 2028 when the International Congress of Nutrition and Dietetics will be hosted in Ireland.

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