Hi all, My name is Nathan Cook and I am a PhD candidate at Monash University in Australia investigating food waste in the hospital foodservice setting.
I am reaching out today to disseminate my research. I have provided the link to my new research publication which is also open access. Some key points below: ‘It’s a constant changing environment, and we’re just playing catch up’: Hospital food services, food waste, and COVID-19
1. We c ompleted 20 interviews with people who worked in hospital foodservices in Victoria Australia to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on hospital foodservices, particularly their ability to complete food waste audits and investigate the possible changes in food waste amounts
2. Data were analysed into 5 themes; impacts on practice, labour, change, technology, post pandemic expectations. Foodservice staff demonstrated adaptability to the changes brought forward by COVID-19 but hospitals were still not able to prioritise food waste audits
3. The advancement towards sustainable healthcare may support future food waste audits in hospital foodservices and potentiate the green recovery from COVID-19.