Real Food Media (website)  

Real Food Media is a women co-led organization that uses a wide range of communications tools—including videos, radio, podcasts, social media, public speaking, writing, campaign strategy, and storytelling—for food justice and food sovereignty. They are based in USA and active nationally, internationally, and in the communities where they each live. Strategic partnerships play a central role in their work and they see themselves as part of the fabric of a diverse and growing food movement. A few of Real Food Media values include that … “real food” is delicious, honors the earth, feeds body and soul, oppresses no one, pays a living wage, and is the human right of all. … “real media” always seeks and tells the truth. … diversity is the basis for health and resilience. … each one of us has a story to tell, and that sharing our stories builds communities and movements.

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Transparency | Diversity | Dynamism | Evidence-based |

CommunityPublic Health
Personal Knowledge DevelopmentPolicy ChangeProgramming
America NorthGlobal