Sustainable Diets and the Environment by Practice-Based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN)(2021 update, paid access)

Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN) is only available to paid members. PEN is a global resource that targets several member countries, but resources may be more broadly relevant. The PEN System was developed by Dietitians of Canada, with input from thought leaders in dietetic practice, knowledge translation and technology. It is managed by a collaborative partnership comprised of the British Dietetic Association, Dietitians Australia and Dietitians of Canada. See the PEN Contributors page for more information on the PEN® Team. There are no conflicts of interest seen.

This backgrounder on Sustainable Diets and the Environment reviews the available evidence on the relationship between plant-based diets and the ecological environment. It helps to explain why plant-based diets are receiving attention for being more sustainable than other dietary patterns. It is written specifically for nutrition and dietetic professionals and thus draws conclusions and forms recommendations in that context. The backgrounder is based on evidence available up until 2021. PEN includes a wide variety of dietetics topics. Search “Sustainable Food Systems” for the backgrounder, alongside many other related resources.

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