Planetary Health by Rx Brick Exchange (updated regularly)

One of the free collections by Rx Brix Exchange is about Planetary Health, which covers the relationship between human health and the environment to empower future health professionals to prepare for and tackle challenges that a changing climate and environmental pollution present to our health and livelihoods. 14 bricks are in the collection and it will take about 3 hours to read or listen to if you choose the audio.

About Rx Brick Exchange

Rx Brick Exchange is a place to share and build on ideas and curriculum, learn from leading experts, and use their expertise in your classroom. Their mission is to create sustainable and accessible medical education for students and educators around the world. It is the first global health sciences curriculum exchange that empowers educators to create and share health science Bricks with faculty and students worldwide.

The Medical Student Alliance for Global Education (MeSAGE) is a student-driven consortium of the world’s leading medical student organizations, representing over 1.3 million learners. Founded in 2019, MeSAGE empowers and supports student organizations with the tools they need to work toward closing educational gaps in areas like health equity, diversity, inclusion, or social justice.

Content development processes are constantly evolving, as they embark on new projects and redefine roles. Their commitment to working with students never wavers. They have a directory of student authors and reviewers to acknowledge people who contribute to the development of the global, shared curriculum vision.

Rx Essentials Collections is a comprehensive library of digital learning modules, designed to help build your foundation of medical knowledge, brick by brick. There are 23 free collections. A 5-day free trial lets you access all of them to see if you are interested in paying to access them as a member.

“A ruined planet cannot sustain human lives in good health. A healthy planet and healthy people are two sides of the same coin.”

Dr. Margaret Chan, Former Director General of the World Health Organization.

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Transparency | Diversity | Dynamism | Evidence-based |

HealthcarePublic Health
Competency DevelopmentPersonal Knowledge Development