Nourish USA (website)

Nourish is an educational initiative designed to open a meaningful conversation about food, health, and sustainability. To inform and inspire the largest number of people, Nourish combines PBS television, curriculum resources, web content, short films, and professional learning. Their mission is to increase food literacy and build healthy communities. Nourish is a program of WorldLink, a nonprofit organization with more than 25 years experience in designing media and education programs. To maximize the effectiveness of Nourish, WorldLink is collaborating with 50+ organizations dedicated to creating a sustainable food future. With a distinctly positive vision, Nourish celebrates both food and community.

The Nourish Curriculum Guide offers a rich set of resources to open a meaningful conversation about food and sustainability. Beautifully designed and brimming with big ideas, the materials contain a viewing guide, seven learning activities, student handouts, a bibliography, and a glossary.The Nourish curriculum and a companion DVD may beused in social studies, science, health, or English classes. Activity themes include The Story of Food; Seasonal, Local Food; Food Traditions; Food and Ecosystems; Analyzing Food Ads; School Lunch Survey; and Action Projects. Developed in partnership with the Center for Ecoliteracy, the Nourish curriculum aligns with national curriculum standards and benchmarks of the National Council for the Social Studies, National Research Council, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Committee on National Health Education Standards. We welcome your feedback as you use the materials. Please contact us.

Transparency | Diversity | Dynamism | Evidence-based |

CommunityPublic Health
America North