CIDSE an international family of Catholic social justice organisations working for transformational change to end poverty and inequalities, challenging systemic injustice, inequity, destruction of nature and promoting just and environmentally sustainable alternatives. We work for a society based on social, economic and gender equality and solidarity, where the economy is at the service of society and functions within planetary boundaries. We aim at a fairer share of and limits in the use of global resources, and democratized governance where people regain control over their choices in economies based on the commons.
“We work for reforms with transformative potential: to move away from fossil fuels and extractivism, to limit global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees, to promote the right to food and agroecology, to regulate business to enforce human rights, to secure sustainable finance and fair wealth distribution, to support local communities to speak for themselves, to confront gender inequalities, and to enable sustainable ways of living. To make this happen we contribute to global movements and alliances of change, promote peoples’ solutions and alternatives and advocate at the international level.
CIDSE plays the role of connector, influencer and storyteller. Our wide network offers us a rich panorama of experiences and lessons, which we gather and offer publicly. We share knowledge through innovative storytelling to engage relevant audiences and stakeholders. Our overview of expertise allows us to spot opportunities to form and nurture alliances. In turn, we stay engaged on the latest political developments and harness our collective power to jointly apply pressure on intergovernmental institutions right when it’s needed.
CIDSE Sustainable Food Systems Advocacy & Tools
As successfully meeting development and sustainability goals requires a paradigm shift, CIDSE advocates for radical changes towards just, resilient and sustainable models of food systems. We strongly believe that agroecology and its principles – when firmly rooted in food sovereignty and climate justice – are the way to move away from a model that threatens present and future agricultural production and food security (biodiversity losses, soil degradation, soil erosion…) while meeting the long-term goal of 1.5°C and contributing to the full realisation of the right to food. C
IDSE currently works to promote and advocate for agroecology within debates in civil society on these issues, and in high-level policy processes. We also gather and share experiences and knowledge in our network on agroecological systems and with movements that are applying the principles of agroecology. To understand more about our position on food systems you may also consult our:
- publication “The principles of Agroecology- Towards just, resilient and sustainable food systems” available in 7 languages in pdf or as a multimedia website.”
- the multimedia Agroecology dossier
- An infographic illustrating the principles of agroecology, available in EN, ES, FR, GE, IT, NL, PT
Transparency | Diversity | Dynamism | Evidence-based |