Cardinia’s community food strategy

This strategy was released in 2018. It is a static document, but visit the municipal website for future updates, or contact the authors. Contributors and partners are clearly identified.

Cardinia Food Circles is the name of the cross-sector collaborative effort to grow a healthy food system in Cardinia Shire. It’s a grass roots movement for change, driven by local people, seeking to support and develop local solutions to the challenges we face in food, farming and health.

The project was initiated by Cardinia Shire Council in partnership with Sustain: The Australian Food Network to build on the work of the Healthy Together Victoria initiative and has grown to span over 20 organisations and a wide range of local residents, businesses, community groups and schools.

Coming to Grips with Food Waste (2018)

This article provides a high-level description of the impact of food waste at the hospital foodservice level and its impact on the environment. It is a good example for those interested in institutional food waste reduction policy and programming. The author* describes a program adopted (the Recycle Food Project) by the Royal Children’s hospital to minimise food waste through recycling “unserved shelf-stable foods and cutlery … back into the kitchen and used first at subsequent meal times”.  The article includes an interactive component that allows individuals to understand how much food waste is produced, but is limited to Australia. Although not peer-reviewed, the article contains reliable sources that can be viewed for additional information. Additional tools in this resource is limited in diversity and is specific for Australia.

*Kathy Faulkner has worked as an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) for over 10 years, including eight years as a dedicated Food Service Dietitian. She works at the Royal Children’s Hospital (Melbourne) where Food Service and Nutrition operate as a single combined department. Kathy is a member of the DAA Food and Environment Interest Group, which has encouraged this research into the ‘cost of food waste’.